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接着再加入3茶匙的接骨木果干一齐研碎。Into that add 3 tsp of dried elderberries and crush.

舀2勺草莓酱在提拉米苏的表面。Pour 2 tsp of strawberry jam on the top of Tiramisu.

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由于其在TSP问题的成功应用,使其受到广泛关注。It got much attention when it was applied in the TSP.

可以随意饮用。1茶匙茶叶加入8安士的水。Take as often as desired. 1 tsp tea to 8 oz of water.

加入1茶匙鱼露来提升鲜味的效果。Add 1 tsp of fish sauce for umami or fifth-taste effect.

然后取瓶中混合好的中药粉1小匙,放入碗中。Then take a good bottle of powder 1 tsp mixed, in a bowl.

联合收割机1小勺。桂皮粉和1茶匙柠檬汁。Combine 1 tsp. of cinnamon powder and 1 tsp of lemon juice.

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在大炒锅中,倒入2勺葵花籽油,等油热了,加入牛肉。Heat 2 tsp of oil in a large saucepan and add beef when hot.

近年来,蚁群优化算法广泛应用于TSP问题的研究。Recently, ACO algorithm is widely used to study TSP problems.

加1勺辣椒粉,适量盐和胡椒,拌匀。Supply 1 tsp chilli flake, season with salt and pepper. Stir.

本文提出求解货郎担问题的一种几何算法。In this paper a geometrical algorithm for solving TSP is presented.

每日睡前用牛奶、豆浆或开水冲服一小匙。Daily before going to bed with milk, soy milk or boiled water a tsp.

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气象因子对TSP质量浓度的影响十分明显。Climatic conditions have a great effect on the concentrations of TSP.

烧热易洁镬,下1茶匙油,放上薯仔饼,煎至两面金黄色即成。Heat 1 tsp oil in a non-sticky pan, cook until both sides turn brown.

将所有的原料放入汤锅,加1勺海盐,加水盖没。Put ingredients in a stockpot with 1 tsp sea salt and cover with water.

取出,加一大勺苏打粉拌匀,摊放在蜡纸上晾凉就得了。Take it out, blend with 1 tsp baking soda. Spread on wax paper to cool.

车辆路径问题可以看作是旅行售货员问题的推广,它是NP-完备的问题。The VRP can be regarded as an extension of the TSP and it is NP-complete.

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本文探索的课题就是将并行免疫算法融合在TSP问题的求解中。This thesis explores how to integrate Immune Algorithm into solution of TSP.

以旅行商问题为例进行仿真计算,说明改进蚁群算法的性能。The example of TSP shows the advantages of the improved ant colony algorithm.

在整体工步排序过程中,研究了装夹内工步的排序问题。The ordering of the steps in one stabilizing grip is researched, which is a TSP problem.