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他常走钢丝来跨越尼亚拉加瀑布。He used to walk on a tightrope across the Niagara Falls.

杂技团的演员在拉紧的绳索上保持平衡。The acrobat in the circus maintained equilibrium on a tightrope.

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瓦塔拉必须走政治和军事路线。President Ouattara has to walk a political and military tightrope.

然而,这可能像是一位拉紧绳索的行人在没有网的情况下工作。However, this can be like a tightrope walker working without a net.

观众们张口注视着走绳索人大胆的表演。The crowd gaped at the daring tricks performed by the tightrope walker.

高出地面很多的供高空杂技表演的高钢索。A tightrope for aerialists that is stretched very high above the ground.

杂技演员走钢丝时,观从们都屏住了呼吸。The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.

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有人对我说,“跟日本人一起工作,就像在绷紧的绳上走平衡。One said to me, "Working with the Japanese islike balancing on a tightrope.

查尔斯·布隆丹第一次走钢索跨越尼亚加拉瀑布。Charles Blondin made the earliest crossing of the Niagara Falls on a tightrope.

因为每个孩子都处在致命性的风险中,独生子女家庭就是在高空走钢丝。Because every kid is exposed to deadly risks, every one-child family is walking a tightrope.

一个亚美尼亚的走钢丝者用他的平衡杆保持平衡,准备玩一场把戏。An Armenian tightrope walker steadies himself with his balance pole as he prepared to perform a trick.

像走钢丝的演员一样,短尾雕一顿一挫地从树顶上滑下来。Like a tightrope walker on a high-wire, a Bateleur sways and rocks as it glides low above the tree tops.

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因为滑行比在树丛中飞檐走壁要快上10倍,这也让它们有更多的时间睡觉。Colugos can sail 10 times faster than they can tightrope through the canopy. Which leaves more time to snack.

然而此例显示了新闻媒体在报道突发新闻时面临的困难处境。But this example illustrates the difficult tightrope that news organizations walk when reporting breaking news.

作为单身父母,难的不仅是腾出时间约会,做出约会的决定也很令人犹豫不决。As a single parent, not only is it challenging to find time to date, dating can also be a tightrope of indecision.

人生就像走钢索般,如果不认真往前看,却一直往后看,一定会跌下去。Life is like tightrope walking. If one does not earnestly look forwards but keeps looking back, he is sure to fall off.

瓦伦达是美国一个著名的高空走钢索的表演者,他在一次重大的表演中,不幸失足身亡。Valenda was a famous American high-altitude tightrope performer, he was in a great performance, unfortunately slipped and died.

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穿好绣着“满足和欣喜”的演出服,我们坚定地踏上了空中的钢丝,把十条方针次第抛起,尽力保持着平衡。With "Satisfy and Delight" stitched on our leotards, we're determined to get up on the tightrope and start juggling principles.

土耳其在一周前开始了跨越边境的攻势,布什政府在这段时间里一直在谨慎地开展外交工作。The Bush administration has been walking a diplomatic tightrope throughout the Turkish cross-border offensive, which began a week ago.

看见她父亲的说教之间,瑞奇的承诺,而且直逼军事,克劳蒂亚必须在钢丝上不可能的选择。Caught between her father's sermons, Ricky's promises, and the encroaching military, Claudia must navigate a tightrope of impossible choices.