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他们说的英语正是字典编纂者喜欢的。And they spoke the English that the lexicographer loved.

知识具有超凡的力量---萨缪尔。约翰逊,英国字典编纂家。Knowledge is more than equivalent to force---Samuel Johnson, English lexicographer.

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这就意味着要具有我前面所提到的第三只耳朵和第三只眼睛。You're a lexicographer , which means you've got this third ear and third eye l already mentioned.

在他们的全部著作中,词典编纂者会被词典使用者的实际需求所引导着。In his entire work, the lexicographer is guided by the practical considerations of a dictionary user.

这种态度在约翰逊的时代相当普遍,并与词典编纂者自己并不矛盾。This attitude was quite common in Johnson's day and was not contradictory to the lexicographer himself.

在这里辞典编纂者必须当他的自己语言学家并且有对语言的语言学分析的依赖。Here the lexicographer has to be his own linguist and have recourse to the linguistic analysis of the language.

在确定多义词的中心意思的时候,词典编纂者在这方面得到了历史语言学的不少帮助。In the determination of the central meaning of a polysemous word the lexicographer is helped by historical linguistics.

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“如果有谁厌倦了伦敦,他就厌倦了生活,”1777年英国伟大的诗人、批评家、词典编辑家塞缪尔·约翰逊博士如是说。"When a man is tired of London he is tired of life, " said the great English poet, critic and lexicographer DR Samuel Johnson in 1777

生命短暂,不要花太多时间去考虑怎样度过这一辈子---萨缪尔。约翰逊,英国字典编纂家。Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation how it shall be spent---Samuel Johnson, British lexicographer.

同时,作为字典编纂者,一个让人郁闷的地方是字典从来没有给人留下一个温暖,舒适的印象。Now, one of the non-perks of being a lexicographer is that people don't usually have a kind of warm, fuzzy, snuggly image of the dictionary.

当时支持这样做的不仅有美国辞典学家韦伯斯特,还有其他著名人士,比如杰弗逊和亚当斯,英语便理所当然地成为官方语言。This was something supported not only by the American lexicographer Noah Webster but by figures like Jefferson and Adams so there was no question of declaring an official language.