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心宿二即是一颗巨星。Antares is a giant star.

心大星的亮度在天空中位于第15位。Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky.

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今晚你会发现月亮靠近心大星的右侧。You'll find the moon to the right of Antares tonight.

安塔利的三个基金分别成立于1993年,1996年和2000年。Antares has raised three Funds in 1993, 1996, and 2000.

心宿二通常也称天蝎之心。The star Antares is sometimes called the Heart of the Scorpion.

它是天蝎星座中最亮的一个星星。Antares is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion.

埃什卡还告诉安塔尔,激动的心情既是他的力量,也是他的弱点。He also told Antares that his passion was both his strength and his weakness.

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今晚可以在月亮附近看到天蝎座以及它最闪亮的心大星。Scorpius and its bright star Antares can be found this evening near the moon.

在中北纬地区,心大星再每年这个时候的黄昏后马上落下。At mid-northern latitudes, Antares sets shortly after nightfall at this time of year.

同时,水下的ANTARES探测器使远方观察海洋生物的能力倍增。Meanwhile the underwater ANTARES detector is doubling up as a telescope for marine life.

更北方,心大星则上升的更早,反之更南方,心大星上升会稍迟。Farther north, Antares sets even earlier, whereas farther south Antares sets at a later hour.

与此同时,夏季时节才有的心宿二在日出不久便沉没,同样也是夏季宣告结束的信号。Likewise, Antares – a summer star – sets not long after the sun and helps to signal summer's end.

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图片上离心宿二不远最亮的星是天蝎座delta,它的这种突然的亮度骤发已经持续了19个月。The brightest star near Antares is Delta Scorpii, now in its 19th month of an unexpected flareup.

因为月亮一直是在环绕地球轨道上运行的,所以在明晚,你则会发现月亮在心大星的左侧。Because the moon is always moving in orbit around Earth, you'll find it to the left of Antares tomorrow night.

它可以遮盖心大星仅仅因为它比较靠近我们,也因为这个原因,它看起来比星星大。It can appear to cover Antares only because the moon is so close to us – and so it looks much larger than the star.

夏夜,你又可以有一个拥有一整个月的时间去观察一颗奇特的星星,它就是位于天蝎座的心宿二。You've got about another month to see a uniquely summer star, Antares in the constellation Scorpius, in the evening.

对于在北半球的我们来说,心宿二是颗微亮的星星,低低悬在整个夏季南方。To us in the northern hemisphere, Antares appears as a bright reddish star that rides relatively low in the south all summer.

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九月中旬,当昴宿星会整夜在太空中闪烁时,心大星便会从夜空中消失不见。By mid to late November, Antares will disappear from the night sky, while the Pleiades star cluster will shine all night long!

这条河连接着右侧的数颗亮星,它们是天蝎座头和螯的一部分,其中包括亮星心宿二。This river connects to several bright stars on the right that are part of Scorpio's head and claws, and include the bright star Antares.

无论心大星何时再西南天空升起,位于金牛座的昴宿星团就会在东北方向天空上升。Whenever Antares sets in your southwest sky, the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation Taurus the Bull rises into your northeast sky.