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这小子还击了。The kid fought back.

他像一头猛狮那样战斗。He fought like a lion.

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他们进行了一场苦斗。They fought a hard fight.

他与绝望作斗争。He fought against despair.

当夜,老山鏖战通霄。They fought over the night.

每一个士兵都英勇作战。Every soldier fought bravely.

他在两次世界大战中都打过仗。He fought in both World Wars.

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两个酒鬼在小酒店打架。Two drunks fought at the pub.

过去我们为非殖民化而战。We fought for decolonization.

他的双亲都参与了此次战斗。Both his parents fought in it.

反戈者为自由而战斗。The rebels fought for freedom.

那士兵作战勇猛。The soldiers fought gallantly.

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他一直奋斗到生命的最后一息。He fought till his last breath.

LPGA巡回赛争取改变这种状况。The LPGA fought to change that.

明知不可能获胜,他们还是进行了拼争。It was futile,still they fought.

她疯狂而凶猛地厮打著。She fought with crazed ferocity.

我们还和其他帮派打架。We also fought with other gangs.

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小战在哪里打?Where are the minor wars fought?

不过从来没跟女人打过架。But I've never fought with woman.

医生竭尽全力救活她。Doctors fought to keep her alive.