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像专家一样搜索。Search like a pro.

组搜索过滤器。Group search filter.

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你仍然需要搜索。You still need search.

我找到了一部分零活。I get search some jobs.

组织搜索队。Organize a search team.

搜寻快度如今5节。Search speed now 5knots.

你搜寻着他的思想。You search his thoughts.

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标签搜索引擎。Doobie search engine tag.

这是我们的搜查令。Here's our search warrant.

如果没有可以到google上查一下。If not do a google search.

第一个调用是一个搜索。The first call is a search.

但这是一个线性搜索。But this is a linear search.

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把搜索引擎比下去!Outsmart the search engines.

这是一个狭义搜索。This is an exclusive search.

这是一个广义搜索。This is an inclusive search.

是的,在搜索方面是这样的。Yes, that is true in search.

雅弗在寻找一位父亲哪!Japhet in search of a father!

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因此查找过程也就十分的简单。So the search is really easy.

亲爱的搜索引擎优化。Dear Search Engine Optimizers.

我有几个搜索选择。I have several search choices.