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他年龄合适,身材高大,风度翩翩而不失庄重。He's the right age, he's tall, he has the presence and gravitas.

喝咖啡的时候,我向凯文说了我的梦,还一本正经地引用了韦伯的话。Over coffee I tell Kevin about my dream quoting Webb with fitting gravitas.

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我的父亲,还有我小时候玩伴的父亲,他们都是说一不二的严父类型。My father and the fathers of my boyhood friends were men of gravitas , authority figures.

总统们到场为这个活动带来了两党合作的庄严气氛,而我们需要所有能够得到的帮助。The Presidents gave bipartisan gravitas to the campaign, and we needed all the help we could get.

如此庄严的态度和恐菌状态有时会引发闹乱的情况。That gravitas and germaphobic hypersensitivity sometimes led to situations bordering on slapstick.

手举厚重的剪贴板时,面试官使应聘者看上去很有压力。When holding a heavy clipboard, the interviewer was more likely to view the applicant as having gravitas.

这种情况不可能出现在巴菲特身上,这既是因为他拥有合法权力,也因为他有着“祖父一样的”气场。Highly unlikely that happens with Buffett, both because of his legal rights and his grandfatherly gravitas.

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他带给这位超级英雄庄重感,从而扫除了缠绕它的俗气。He brought a gravitas to the superhero that wiped away the camp and kitsch that had shrouded Batman in cobwebs.

因此,欧洲在世界事务和美国问题中的相对比重会相对地减少。Therefore, Europe’s relative gravitas and weight in both global affairs and American issues will proportionately decrease.

层层显现出来的水果味包裹着精细的单宁酸,庄严的葡萄酒。This is a wine of gravitas with layers upon layers of dark fruit coating fine tannins with an almost glycerol-like texture.

而一件像罗兰·穆雷设计的优雅且剪裁讲究的长裙那样的贴身服装或者范思哲的合身出行装就显的很得体。A structured dress like Roland Mouret's elegant, tailored shift or Versace's fitted safaristylenumber has the right kind of gravitas.

苹果的产品以及乔布斯的个性特点赋予他一种庄严感,而正是这种庄严感使得其主题演讲成为大事,而他本人则成为人们的焦点。Apple's products, along with Jobs' personality traits, are what gave him the gravitas that made his keynotes Momentous Events, with all eyes on Steve.

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我们喜欢从屏幕上即时查到一个单词的便利,但也喜欢从20卷O.E.D.中慢悠悠地找到一个单词的那种庄严感。We like the convenience of looking up a word on the fly on the screen, and the gravitas of doing it, not on the fly, from one of the O.E.D.’s 20 volumes.

传说中让牛顿变得崇高的苹果树后代是第069站,位于牛顿在英国剑桥大学的宿舍外面。A descendant of the apple tree that allegedly filled Newton with gravitas is site number 069, located outside Newton's dorm at the University of Cambridge.

乍看之下,金城武似乎缺乏饰演这么一个在中国历史上备受尊崇的军事家的能力,但是他成功地诠释出一个令人耳目一新、与众不同的诸葛亮。At first glance, Kaneshiro lacks the gravitas to carry such an esteemed character in Chinese history, but he gives the character a unique, refreshing interpretation.

但目前并没有“小东西”到人的心灵都配上石头、有一个悲惨场面庄严而这一次感到从未强迫或戏剧。But there are no "little things" to people whose hearts and minds are encased in stone, and the scene has a tragic gravitas that never once feels melodramatic or forced.

当你坐下来和他交谈的时候,你会不由自主地开始倾听,你不会把他当成耳旁风……他知道自己在说些什么,他会展现出自信和真实,或者庄重。"When you sit down andtalk to him, you'll listen, you don't blow him off, " he said. "He knows whathe's talking about, he projects confidence and substance, if not gravitas.