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只有懦夫才无法应付。Only wimps can’t cope.

他没法子应付那种状况。He couldn't cope with that.

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你是如何应对挫折的?How you cope with setbacks?

有没有对付头痛的好方法?Cope with headachy good method?

你是如何应付截稿日期的?How do you cope with deadlines?

所以我们必须学会处理它。So we must learn to cope with it.

因此,放下谩骂,学习如何去解决吧。So stop cussing and learn to cope.

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这位法官穿著一件黑色的法衣。The judge was wearing a black cope.

他能够应付当前的局势。He can cope with the present situation.

那么,想求婚的男人们该怎么办呢?So how does a proposal-minded man cope?

那时,免强也能应付几句。At that time, can barely cope with a few.

——满怀最美好的希望,谋事在人成事在天。Hope for the best and cope with the rest.

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电影名星是怎样对待成名的?How do film stars cope with being famous?

当脑子突然抽住的时候,你会如何解决呢?How do you cope when your brain locks up?

不过有时候你真的撑不下去。But there's days when you can't cope with it.

我对他应付此事的能力还心中无数。I'm not sure of his ability to cope with this.

他几乎不知道如何去应付这个局面。He was scarcely able to cope with the situation.

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但我们阵容强大,足以应付。However, we've got a strong squad and we'll cope.

库托能够应付帕奎奥的速度吗?Will Cotto be able to cope with Pacquaio's speed?

他们会如何处理战后余殃?How would they cope with the aftermath of the war?