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直观搜索缩微胶片文件?。VSMF? Visual Search Microfilm File?

这篇文章存在缩微胶片还是缩影胶片里?。Is this article on microfiche or microfilm?

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我们找出了你描述的缩影胶片。We located the microfilm which you described.

我可以复印缩微胶卷上的一些资料吗?Can I get a xerox of some material on microfilm?

我可以复印缩微胶片上的一些资料吗?。Can I get a photocopy of some material on microfilm?

用于产生计算机输出缩微胶片的设备。A device used to produce computer output on microfilm.

也许大首领不小心在洗衣房里把那卷胶卷给冲了?Hey, maybe Snake accidentally washed the microfilm in the laundry.

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要简化办公室缩微胶卷的存储及检索十分简单。It's easy to simplify roll microfilm storage and retrieval in your office.

一拿起刻刀,整个人就钻进眼前那个缩微世界里去了。I picked up a knife, on the whole front of the microfilm into the world's gone.

巴黎和纽约的出版商秘密接收了收稿的影印胶卷。Publishers in Paris and New York had secretly received the manuscript on microfilm.

我们的胶片扫描服务可处理缩微胶卷、缩微胶片和开窗卡。Our film scanning service is capable to handle microfilm microfiche and aperture card.

像这个伏特加酒瓶,还有这罐面霜,都是用来传送缩微胶卷的。This vodka bottle, as well as this jar of face cream, were used to transport microfilm.

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操作台的抽屉里塞满了参考书、缩微胶片和各种书目卡片。It was to harbor drawers brimming with reference books, microfilm and bibliographic cards.

肖克罗斯说土星5号蓝图保存在马歇尔太空飞行中心的缩微胶片上。Shawcross said the Saturn 5 blueprints are held at the Marshall Space Flight Center on microfilm.

科室现有缩微胶片阅读机1台、计算机12台、复印机4台、打印机5台、扫描仪2台。We have 1 microfilm reader stations, 12 computers, 4 duplicator TV stations, 5 printers and 2 scanners.

导演Wubai强调,微电影是电影行业一种简短的、有趣的、互动的新体裁。Director Wubai stressed that microfilm is a new genre in the industry, which is short, entertaining and interactive.

发生在缩微文献上的油渍现象是胶片在长期的保存过程中较为普遍的衰变现象。The grease phenomenon of microfilm documents is common decay phenomenon in the process of the long-term preservation.

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现在大部分的公众记录再也不会出现在藏书堆中,铺满灰尘的法院文件以及微型电影卷轴里了。And the bulk of the public record is no longer to be found in library stacks, dusty courthouse files, and microfilm rolls.

提取的重要指数从缩微胶片记录的原始来源的重要记录。" is an important indicator of the records extracted from "the" microfilm of the original source of the records important.

这部5分钟的微电影充满了姜文的艺术风格和他对父子之爱看法。The five-minute microfilm is imbued with Jiang wen's artistic style and his perspective over the love between father and son.