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这就是所谓的互惠原则。This is called The Law of Reciprocity.

互惠主义的原则在人群中是十分受用的。The Law of Reciprocity is strong in people.

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这种关系是没有互惠互利的。There is no reciprocity in this relationship.

如果是的话,您想要互惠如何起作用?If so, how do you want the reciprocity to work?

它的互惠只是一个附加的约定。Its reciprocity is merely an added stipulation.

超文本和电子书写促进了这种互惠作用。Hypertext and electronic writing accelerate that reciprocity.

对它具有的“互易”特性在天线中的应用作了说明。The use of their "reciprocity" in the array antennas is illuminated.

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减让的交换以总体出价的对等为基础。The exchange of concessions is based on overall reciprocity of offers.

一开始,A和B都假定了这种交互作用类型。Form the beginning, both A and B assume this reciprocity of typification.

从一开始,两者都在假设这个类型化的相对性。From the beginning, both A and B assume this reciprocity of typification.

预料这次访问将加强两国的战略互惠关系。The visit is expected to enhance strategic reciprocity for both countries.

还有许多别的互易定理的公式。There are a number of alternative formulations of the reciprocity theorem.

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中华民族素来是礼仪之邦,礼尚往来早已成为习惯。The Chinese nation has always been ceremonies, reciprocity has become habit.

波伏娃的乌托邦理想是男女之间的相互作用和情谊关系。Beauvoir's utopian ideal is the reciprocity and comradeship between men and women.

我公司本着“共谋发展、利互惠”的原则,一经录用,待遇从优。We offers good treatments for the postions as principle" Co-Prosperity& Reciprocity".

没有这种观察的倒易性,我们就能够辩认绝对运动。Without this reciprocity of observation, we would be able to identify absolute motion.

有许多的规则和规律被用来描述领导权,比如史蒂芬.柯维的领导力和亲和力的特殊规律。hip, such as Steven Covey’s laws of leadership and specifically the law of reciprocity.

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非线性相互作用在本体论与认识论上引发了创新不确定性。Non-linear reciprocity gives rise to innovative uncertainty from ontology and epistemology.

这里列出更长的家庭法规,那些作者至少还说存在一些相互关系。You have much longer household codes, those writers at least said there was some reciprocity.

北京广利商贸公司期待您能和我们一起把握每一个商机,分享双赢!We hope you join us to grasp every opportunity, in order to share the joy of reciprocity situatio !