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用橡皮刮刀把它们刮进豆子中。Scrape into the beans with a rubber spatula.

需要硅胶炒菜铲长度25.6厘米紫色铲,柄为白色。Durable Silicone Spatula with Length of 25.6cm.

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她用炒菜铲子把这个松饼翻面。She turned the pancake over with her the spatula.

今天,在你的咖啡馆的梦想,你的魔术棒,是一个刮!Today, in Your Cafe of Dreams, your magic wand is a spatula !

吃鱼时使用的有压舌的小餐刀。A small table knife with a spatula blade used for eating fish.

他用塑料铲把盆里的混合料刮了出来。He scraped the mixture out of the bowl with a plastic spatula.

用刀或者金属抹刀刮平面糊。Take a knife or small metal spatula and smooth out the batter.

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她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料。She level the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula.

用小抹刀在饼的周围和顶部做出小山峰。Use a small spatula to forms little peaks around edge of Pavlova.

她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料。She levelled the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula.

轻轻地用抹刀按压鸡蛋卷,使封口更加严密。Lightly press down on the omelet with the spatula to seal it together.

中央文件是在16就像一个巨大的铲,不丢失。The central document on the 16th is like a giant spatula , do not be lost.

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旧厨房铲或过期的信用卡将工作一吊具罚款。An old kitchen spatula or expired credit card will work fine for a spreader.

刮刀是一种实验室工具,用于刮去、研压和取用化学品。The spatula is a laboratory tool to scrape off, grind and transport chemicals.

用耐热的橡胶小铲翻动大煎饼四周并倒入盘中。Run heatproof rubber spatula around frittata to loosen and slide out onto plate.

将一半混合芝士放到锅里的小松糕上。用抹刀或勺子将之压平。Put half the cheese mixture on lady fingers in pan. Smooth with a spatula or spoon.

通过将分散剂逐滴加入到样品中,用抹刀将它们混合,糊剂就成形了。The pastes are formed by adding dispersant to the sample dropwise, while mixing it with a spatula.

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我至今仍珍藏着一张他早年的照片---围着围裙,手持小铲站在烤肉架前,微微地展露笑容。I still have a cherished photo of him in his apron, standing over the grill, spatula in hand, smiling.

目的快速染色刮取涂片细胞学检查用于乳腺肿瘤术中快速诊断。Objective fast staining examination of scrape spatula cell for diagnosis of breast neoplasm during operation.

使用橡胶抹刀将果酱抹进准备好的听罐里,放置待凝固,大约需要6小时或者一夜时间。Use a rubber spatula to scoop the purée into the prepared tin and leave to set for at least 6 hours or overnight.