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让我们扼要重述。Let's recap.

简单概括一下就是So again, let's recap.

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好吧,让我们概括一下All right. Let's recap.

重述你适合这份工作的原因。Recap your "fit" for the job.

好了,回顾一下你要做的事情。So, to recap what you’re going to do.

我们照例回顾一下上周的内容。Okay a brief recap of last week as usual.

同时,在本文的末尾我会对其进行总结。I will also recap toward the end of this article.

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就先回顾到这里吧,我们继续讲课So that's enough for recap and I want to move on now.

用笔记本电脑将这份泥浆完井报告完成.Using the portable computer to finish this Mud Recap.

在开课前,我想讲些东西。I just want to recap what I talked about last time very briefly.

关键是这些电缆离地面太近了,还想下一次被切断吗?So, let’s recap. How close are these cables to the ground, again?

你能扼要说明一下地区会议上提案的重点吗?Can you recap the points included in the regional conference proposal?

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尽管我们重述了一些有关机器人的信息,但并未给出详尽讲解。Though we recap some information about bots, we do not do so exhaustively.

我刚才稍微离题说明了迄今的情况,现在让我重述一下要点。I've digressed a little to explain the situation so far, so let me now recap.

首先,请回顾此应用程序,以便您可以了解在其运行时发生什么情况。First, let's recap the application, so that you understand what is happening as it runs.

一周还是半周一次给经理发邮件,陈述自己的进步表现。Even a weekly or semi-weekly recap of your accomplishments, sent by email, will do the trick.

如果对方显然没有读过你的简历,就简单说一下,然后把话题引到你要应征的工作上。If it's obvious they haven't read your resume, recap it briefly, and then tie it to the job you want.

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然后一份“验厂概要”需要审核员和工厂管理人员共同签署,且留一份拷贝于工厂。The audit recap is signed by both the auditor and factory management and a copy is left with the factory.

这张用黑色夏普钢笔写的便条字迹很潦草,他没有心思再从我们家的办公文件夹里,拿一张马尼拉纸重新写一遍。The message was scrawled with a black sharpie pen he didn't bother to recap on a manila folder from our home office file drawer.

不用担心,在深入了解如何实现应用程序的服务前,我们将简要进行一下回顾,从而为进行一步讨论奠定基础。Fear not, we'll do a quick recap to set the stage before diving into the details of how to implement the services of our application.