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他用水冲排水沟。He flushed the drain.

这条阴沟堵塞了。The drain is clogged.

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我们必须排出沼泽的水。We must drain swamps.

油污堵塞了下水道。Grease fouled the drain.

配备排水槽。Equipped with tank drain.

牛肉粒洗净沥水。Wash and drain beef cubes.

别把壶里的茶滗干了。Don't drain the teapot dry.

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存在巨大的人才流失。There is a huge brain drain.

另一个问题是人才流失。Another issue is brain drain.

你为什么把水排掉?Why did you drain the water ?

我得排排我的放热器。I have to go drain my radiator.

水不久便会流出了。The water will soon drain away.

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水很快就会流尽。The water will soon drain away.

莲叶浸水洗净沥乾。Soak, clean and drain lotus leaf.

水打着旋流进了下水道。The water swirled down the drain.

放油塞怎么了?What’s wrong with the drain plug?

沥干并放入一个大碗中。Drain and transfer to a large bowl.

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把蔬菜中的水分排去。Drain the water off the vegetables.

铁锅烧热放油、加姜片。Heat the oil drain pan, add ginger.

在滤器中控干面条。In a colander, drain the spaghetti.