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他所做的是重新给Linda的大脑编程。All he's done is reprogram Linda's brain.

我会重新编程,然后我将轻弹开关。I'll reprogram and then I'll flick the switch.

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如果你变心了,你只要对他重新编程,升级,就能让他爱上全新的你。If you changed, you could just reprogram or upgrade your robot partner to like the new you.

但Ichida说他仍未放弃寻找一组可重新编程细胞的化学物质。Still, Ichida says he is not giving up his search for a suite of chemicals that can reprogram cells.

在过去的几年中,上帝一直用FamilyLife来纠正我对家庭和幸福的错误观念。Over the years God has been using FamilyLife Today to reprogram my wrong views of family and happiness.

拉微控制器把你的实验板每次你需要重新编程不会过时真快。Pulling the microcontroller off of your breadboard every time you need to reprogram it gets old really fast.

要对付这种根深蒂固的消极性最为有效的利器之一是重新改造思维模式。One of the most powerful tools to use against this ingrained negativity is to reprogram our thought patterns.

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如果房地产经理钥匙丢失或是被盗,并且没有准备再续键锁的时候,他可以取消该系统或是重新对系统编程。Property managers can cancel or immediately reprogram a lost or stolen key without the expense of rekeying locks.

这样,你将在吸入呼出中同步重编自己的能量场。One will reprogram one's own field to collect chi in synchronization with the in-breath and out-breath in so doing.

不要去想那些消极的想法并开始重新去用积极和成功的想法去编程你的潜意识吧。Stop thinking negative thoughts and start to reprogram your subconscious mind with positive and successful thoughts.

当你一遍又一遍的重复这些例子,小小的有声读物为了重新“设定”你的大脑而制作的做用就体现出来了。The mini-audiobooks will be specifically designed to reprogram your mind, when you listen to them over-and-over-again.

我们无法在十年阻止这个世界,我们重新编写了所有的程序,从咖啡机到金融系统。We can't just stop the world for a decade while we reprogram everything from our coffee machines to our financial systems.

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恰恰相反,华盛顿应该把朝鲜最新的行动当做重启谈判的绝佳机会。Instead, Washington should treat the North's latest actions as an opportunity to reprogram the latter's negotiating formula.

在产品有必要变化的时候也不易重复编程,而且他们并不能安全的和工人们分享工作空间。They're also difficult to reprogram when production changes become necessary and they can't safely share spaces with human workers.

几个月前,一个研究小组描述了如何用改变后的RNA实现细胞重编码,这种方法比以往的技术更快并且更高效。A few months ago, one group described how to use modified RNA to reprogram cells faster and more efficiently than the original technique.

当你打错一个单词时,你应该将整个单词删除,再重新打出正确单词,这样做是在脑中重新编程避免下次再错。If you mistype a word, you should delete the whole word before retyping it correctly to reprogram your brain to do it properly the next time.

2006年,京都大学的研究人员表示他们仅靠4中基因就能重新编码老鼠的皮肤细胞使之还原到胚胎多能状态。In 2006, researchers at Kyoto University showed they could reprogram mouse skin cells into a pluripotent, embryonic-like state with just four genes.

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近年来,科学家表示他们可以将人类的皮肤细胞重新编码,让它回到未成熟阶段,这样细胞就能够发展成任意类型。In recent years, scientists have shown that they can reprogram human skin cells to an immature state that allows the cells to become any type of cell.

不过,今年美国两个研究小组发现一种叫做角质细胞的皮肤细胞特别容易再编程,这对该研究领域似乎是个福音。In what seems to be a lucky break for the field, however, two groups showed this year that the skin cells called keratinocytes are particularly easy to reprogram.

那么在交付高质量的软件产品的时候,组织能够如何重编其新陈代谢,使它可以交付更多并且同时快速减少等待收益呢?So how can an organization reprogram its metabolism so it can commit to more and simultaneously reduce wait gain quickly, while delivering high-quality software products?