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这家伙的傲慢目光令人恼怒。The insolence in the fellow's eye was galling.

我是担心我们打败她令她下不来台吗?Are you worried we beat her to make her galling?

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为防备磨损拉伸冲头必须做镀层处理。Extrusion punches must be coated to prevent galling.

不存在金属对金属的接触,因此也就不可能出现闸板问题的困扰。There is no metal-to-metal contact, therefore gate galling is impossible.

看来不比是不行了,我们让着她点,别让她太难堪。It seems we must compete. Let's be self-effacing. Don't make her too galling.

当钢板强度升高时,高强度钢板表现出更易产生拉毛的趋势。With the increase of steel strength, the galling defects are much easier to occur.

尤其令我们难堪的是,他正带着浓重的种族主义腔调在回应一个无根据的攻打缘由。It was particularly galling to us that it was in answer to a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.

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将她束缚在这里的,是源源傲进她心灵深处的铁打的锁链,永远不可能断裂了。The chain that bound her here was of iron links, and galling to her inmost soul, but could never be broken.

商业成功总要依靠与政权的联系,所以中国的不平等才更让人愤愤不平。The perception that commercial success often depends on political ties makes inequality in China more galling.

汽车轻量化是全球汽车工业发展的趋势,本论文自主创新了一种新型复合连接—机械锁扣与粘接复合的连接方法。For this subject, we invent a new composite connection technology, which is a combo of mechanical connection and galling.

看到老板再次恩准某位宠将早早下班回家,留在办公室里继续上班的人不免愤愤不平。Watching the boss let a favored colleague head homeearly from the office, yet again, can be galling for those left behind.

到老板再次恩准某位宠将早早下班回家,留在办公室里继续上班的人不免愤愤不平。Watching the boss let a favored colleague head home early from the office, yet again, can be galling for those left behind.

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它们的螺纹表面可能是粗糙的,当进行和断开连接时,它们会引起大于正常情况的摩擦或者甚至金属表面磨损。Their thread surfaces may be rough and can cause higher-than-normal friction or even galling when making and breaking connections.

虽然一想到那些获利又会在银行逐日生息,就令人感到情以何堪,我们其他人却迫切需要银行开始赚钱。Galling as it may be to contemplate the returns that will once again accrue to banks, the rest of us badly need them to make money.

长期的营求名利的交谈使我感到烦恼,我希望有一天属于自己的心爱同伴会来到。The secular talk of the worldly-minded was galling to me, and I would look wistfully to the day when my own beloved companions would come.

麻瓜出生的赫敏•格兰杰在每门功课上都胜过他,而哈利又在魁地奇比赛中飞得比他快,这些事实则尤其令德拉科感到恼怒。Especially galling to Draco is that fact that Muggle-born Hermione Granger outperforms Draco in lessons and Harry outflies him in Quidditch.

可以预见的是,如果iPad是最大竞争者被证明是另一款iPad的话,会给其他的制造商带来难堪。It'll be galling for every other manufacturer — and utterly predictable — if the iPad's first serious competitor turns out to be another iPad.

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有时这将意味着出售股权,这对于那些只是一年或两年以前花了大量资金回购股票的公司来说实在是一个难堪的经验。Sometimes this will mean selling equity, a galling experience for those who spent a fortune on share buy-back programmes just a year or two ago.

对于养着一个不能自己吃饭或上厕所的孩子而艰难度日的父母来说,听说这种疾病可能是有利的,他们肯定会很烦恼。For a parent struggling with a child who cannot feed or use the toilet themselves it must be galling to hear that the condition may be advantageous.

很多利物浦人恼火的是最近的成绩反映了两座伟大城市经济发展天差地别。The galling thing for many in Liverpool is the sense that recent football history speaks to a broader divergence of fortunes between the two great cities.