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她厉声呼喊迫卡皮亚,并从城垛上纵身一跃。She cries out to Scarpia and leaps from the battlement.

在微风中,城堡的雉堞式装饰墙上飘著一面旗帜。From the battlement of the tower float a flag in the soft wind.

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具有连续的锯齿状缺口的,象城垛上的那样。Having repeated square indentations like those in a battlement.

也正因如此,大国对中东地区的争夺异常激烈。So the battlement of the major powers in the Middle East is fierce.

这个他们为了保卫自己城市而在上面战斗过设有枪炮眼仍然完好无损。The battlement on which they fight to defend their city is still intact.

这个他们为了保卫自己城市而在上面战斗过设有枪炮眼仍然完好无损。The battlement on which they fought to defend their city is still intact.

短短几天内,雁城街头就披上了热闹的“圣诞装”。In short several days, wild goose battlement the street threw on noisy"Christmas load".

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沿着城垛的石头通道我看到有两个人靠在城墙上打盹。Along the stone corridor of the battlement , two figures were slouched down against the wall.

城关派出所民警迅速赶到现场开展调查。The battlement closes police post people Jing quickly arrive to site the development investigate.

目前全市城区正常运营的出租车大概只有300台。The whole municipality battlement ward normal runs the for-rent car of camp currently only 300 is probably.

城管大队大队长高洪代表各部门说了句大实话。The battlement took care of the big party big captain high Hong to represent each segment to say the sentence big truth.

据称,整治后,我市城区门店招牌将实行一店一牌。It is said that, realignment post -, my municipality battlement ward store sign board in the thumb latch will practice one store one card.

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李利春还交代了十余起在衡阳市城区进行疯狂抢夺的犯罪事实。Li Li Chun still gave an account that ten remaining rises in the battlement ward of HengYang City to steer the sin truth of crary expilare.

其中,基本养老保险制度和基本医疗保险制度明确要覆盖城乡全体居民。Among them, basic endowment insurance system and basic hospitalization insurance system definitely want to overwhelm battlement township population.

战坪区有大炮弹头展示厅、大炮装配及发射演示厅等。In the battlement area, there were exhibition hall, which showed artillery shells, artillery firing demonstration of the Office of assembly and so on.

昨日,市城乡规划局副局长欧黎明对市民的疑问进行了详细解答。Yesterday, the municipality battlement township programed a vice- bureau chief of office dawn in Europe steers detailed solution to the dicast's doubt.

你若建造房屋,要在房上的四围安栏杆,免得有人从房上掉下来,流血的罪就归于你家。When thou buildest a new house, then thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thine house, if any man fall from thence.

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一块巨大岩石的整个表面全部被最鲜艳的黄色地衣所覆盖,在阳光的照耀下,像一座被施了魔法城堡的金色城墙。The whole face of an extensive rock was covered with a most vivid yellow lichen which shone in the sunshine like the golden battlement of an enchanted castle.

城门自然早已不存,但还有一条徐凝门路和徐凝门桥横亘在穿城而过的运河之上。The city gate nature no longer places, but still has a Xu Ning's way of approach and Xu Ning Men's bridge horizontal Gen wear battlement but lead of ship canal on.

昨日,雁城多处路口“黄龙”起舞,鞭炮连连,吸引了不少观众驻足观看。Yesterday, the wild goose battlement inflicted the street corner"yellow dragon" more dance, firecrackers repeatedly, drew on not a few audiences halt enough watch.