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高师母仍在加州休养复原。Mrs. Ko is still recovering in California.

柯腾展开了追求,沈佳宜则犹豫不决。Ko started pursuing Shen but Shen remained hesitant.

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根据国际人道组织的说法,郭翁同的健康状况也相当严峻。The health is Ko Aung Tun is also said to be very dire.

我和心爱的她在海边餐馆My lovely Eva and I at a beachside restaurant on Ko Samed.

希望能够尽快找到义云高大师微画作品的下落。Sincerely seeking Master Wan Ko Yee's Micro Painting Artwork.

这回柯以侵占他的财产为由杀死了这位老汉和他的老伴。Now Ko killed both him and his wife for molesting his property.

柯景腾是台湾最为多产和知名的小说家之一。Giddens Ko is one of Taiwan's most prolific and popular novelists.

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这就是为什么他交给像杜雅敏昂及顾古这样的人。That's why he handed over to people like Thura Myint Aung and Ko Ko.

电单车特技由小黑柯受良演出。Motorcycle stunts performed by the late 'Little Black' Ko Shou Liang.

高永台在证词中否认他和崔顺实曾是一对情侣。In his testimony, Mr. Ko denied that he and Ms. Choi had been a couple.

我们都已经在这张专辑上花了差不多一年的时间了,自从我们拍摄完终极一班后。We have been working for it since a year ago, after appearing in KO One.

另一位元代画家柯九思更是对一块奇石充满敬意。Another Yuan painter, Ko Chiu-ssu, paid homage to a strange looking rock.

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内核部分被实现为可加载的模块,即lg.ko。The kernel side of things is implemented as a loadable module called lg.ko.

委员会主席高彦鸣承诺会听取教师意见。Its chairman, Edmond Ko , pledged to attach great importance to their views.

舱内用超氧化钾和氢氧化锂自动平衡供氧。An auto balance reproducing oxygen supplier using KO 2 and LiOH was provided.

因此后人便把石室山称为烂柯山,并把烂柯作为围棋的别称。So put sarcophagus later called Lankeshan Hill, and as rotten Go alias Ko said.

他大概二十六、七岁,是金正日第三任妻子高永姬所生,被送到瑞士的一家私人寄宿学校学习。He is 26 or 27 years old. He is the son of Kim Jong Il's third wife, Ko Yong Hee.

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赵婉妤也是个平凡人,是跟你我一样的小人物。Aya Ko is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Aya Ko and others you may know.

波诺•寇自称卡奥并带走了不少骑兵和奴隶。Ko Pono named himself Khal Pono and took many riders with him, and many slaves as well.

“连狗都不吃他。”柯增强说。于是他准许人家把东子的尸体埋葬了。"Even the dogs will not eat him, " said Ko , and he allowed Tungse's body to be buried.