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我们所知有关里奥那多的科学想法大多来自于他的手抄本。Much of what we know about Leonardo's scientific ideas comes from his codices.

西乃山抄本成书于主后350年,它是现存最早的圣经抄本之一。Codex Sinaiticus,which is around the year 350,we think, is one of the earliest codices of the bible we have.

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微软单方面违约给我们公司造成的损失,我们只能用法律武器讨回公道。Our company had suffered a loss because of contract-breaking of Microsoft, we have to get the justice by codices.

这个词的复数可以是,你可以用旧拉丁语复数。codexes the plural of this is,is either codexes sometimes, codices I mean,Latin,you'd use the old Latinized plural,codices.

容格的梦在1925年,其后他经常发现自己在围绕在炼金术法律里面的古代房间里,十分美丽和神秘。Jung's dreams in 1925-6 and thereafter frequently found him in ancient houses surrounded by alchemical codices of great beauty and mystery.

自从玛雅的经书被欧洲征服者破坏之后,期制表和代码的解释大多数被毁坏。Since the codices of the Maya were destroyed in the European Conquest, the tables of dates and interpretations of codes were mostly destroyed.

少数幸存的经文仍然由欧洲博物院“拥有”,远离拥有解释它们的文化框架的玛雅。The few surviving codices are still "owned" by European museums and removed from the Maya, who have the cultural framework for interpreting them.

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后来的手稿还是涉及和添加了新的条款,仅仅只有第一份手稿的部分保留了部分章节。Later codices excerpted the laws that were stillrelevant and added new ones, so only parts of the first codex survived aspassages in other editions.

这里有点奇怪,因为考虑到那个时期的书本,和现在我们看到的抄本不同,是比较占地方的卷轴This is a problem when you consider that books in the days were not likely to be codices as they are today, but scrolls that took up quite a lot of space.

而现行的规范中没有对此类施工工况在设计阶段做出明文的规定,也没有合适的计算理论和计算方法。For existing codices , there is yet no specification expressly stipulated in the design stage for such construction regimes, neither are their respective calculation theory or method.

代位追偿在保险业中是一种古老的制度,通过对它的产生及发展过程的分析,以此加深对代位追偿的理解。Subrogation is an archaic and unique system in insurance codices . Through the process of its emergence and the process of its development, so we can deepen our understanding about it.