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我最喜欢硬皮全麦面包。Crusty whole wheat bread is my favorite.

他老是用一根杆子探测硬雪。He kept probing the crusty snow with a pole.

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那里有一扇陈旧的门,门的合叶很难转动。There was an old door there, on crusty hinges.

我转身沿路向下滑去,雪地的表面结了一层碎冰。The snow was crusty with ice particles on the surface.

他是个令人生畏的老绅士,常喂食离群的狗和猫。He's a crusty old gentleman who feeds stray dogs and cats.

克罗大娘没好气地替她搬了把椅子。Aunt Chloe set a chair for her in a manner decidedly gruff and crusty.

我的信心会冷淡,冷漠的硬壳也把我包起来。My faith faded, and the crusty shell of lovelessness grew over me again.

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最后你会变成一个易怒的、愤世嫉俗的,或者是一个可怜兮兮的、哭哭啼啼的受害者。All the while becoming crusty and cynical 12 or a pathetic, sniveling victim.

格兰特对金融历史的考察使他产生了经济宿命论的激进理论。Grant's survey of financial history captured his crusty theory of economic predestination.

因为炸弹年代久远,加上外面有层泥土像壳一样将它们包住,因此看起来通常不太危险。Because of their age and the layers of crusty dirt that usually cover them, they often don't seem dangerous.

再就是,你得想想,对于健康的鸟类来说,它们会避免和暴躁的红眼病鸟挨得太近。All the more reason, you’d think, for healthy birds to avoid sitting next to someone with crusty red peepers.

喜欢脆式表层的话,那么面包入炉后,立即喷洒一些水在烤箱周围。For a crusty loaf, spray water on the walls of the oven right after placing the bread in a well-preheated oven.

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审讯由一个脾气暴躁而年事已高的英国法官主持。他一副上流社会的架势,还带着传统的白色假发。This case was presided over by a crusty old British judge, of upper-class demeanor and wearing the traditional white wig.

这种自拍照的规则是,不许弄头发、化妆或开灯,连眼角的分泌物都不能清除。The rule is you are not allowed to fix your hair, put on make-up, turn on the lights, or even remove the crusty stuff from your eyes.

汤色如清炖肉汤一般清澈,需要硬皮法式面包和辣味的大蒜蛋黄酱佐餐。The soup itself should be clear, like a consommé, and it is eaten with crusty French bread and a pepper and garlic dip called rouille.

莫尔蒙从哪个狭小的笼子里出来时弯腰驼背只能眯着眼睛看东西,他两眼都有淤青,而后背上结满了干裂的血痂。Mormont emerged from the cramped confines of the cage bent and squinting with both eyes blackened and his back crusty with dried blood.

象群的图片画廊大象,如许的硬皮标本,将自己经常淋浴,然后用水喷雾它们的肉皮儿与防备保护涂层的灰尘。Elephants, like this crusty specimen, will frequently shower themselves with water then spray their skin with a protective coating of dust.

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还有,基于所有系统内的问题,科威特政府的混合系统看起来就是彻头彻尾地活脱脱次于附近国家的硬派家长作风。And still, for all its hiccups, Kuwait's hybrid system of government looks downright racy next to the crusty paternalism of the states nearby.

还有,基于所有系统内的问题,科威特政府的混合系统看起来就是彻头彻尾地活脱脱次于附近国家的硬派家长作风。And still, for all its hiccups, Kuwait’s hybrid system of government looks downright racy next to the crusty paternalism of the states nearby.

达伟翻开了门,好在这时分衣服也换完了,但仆人们还是取笑她装扮邋遢。Open the door of wei, fortunately that awaited clothes also change over, but the servants or made fun of her because she is dressed up crusty.