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变革就是这样开始的。This is how reformation begins.

这是在宗教改革运动之前。That was before the Reformation.

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当然随之而来的就是宗教改革了。And then of course along came the Reformation.

我作了一项有关教育改革的论述.I gave a discourse on educational reformation.

后来宗教改革发生,变化出现了。The Reformation comes along and things change.

我们最古老的变革是大宪章的变革。Our oldest reformation is that of Magna Charta.

谁的作品鼓舞了新教改革?Whose writings inspired the Protestant Reformation?

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因为两者都是走宗教改革路线的主要国家Because these are major countries in the Reformation.

1531年10月11日,是一个领导者,瑞士宗教改革。Oct. 11, 1531, was a leader of the Swiss Reformation.

我国高校企业改制势在必行。So reformation in university-run enterprise is imperative.

我们认为改革是必要的,但目标却是为了复兴。We do think reformation necessary, but our goal is renascence.

求新求变是第三条道路思维的核心。Innovation and reformation is the core of the Third Way thought.

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这场变革是通向2008奥运会的前奏曲。However, this reformation is the prelude to the Olympic Games 2008.

改造后的低压加热器疏水泵节能效果良好。The energy-saving effect is notable after the reformation realized.

上述思想古为今用,对今天的改革开放仍有借鉴启迪作用。His views are referable to our reformation and opening to the world.

日本自1868年的明治维新以后,走上军国主义的不归路。Japan took the road to militarism after the Meiji Reformation in1868.

旧共和国以1000BBY的卢桑改革为元年。The Old Republic dated years from the Ruusan Reformation of 1,000 BBY.

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次要说明冷却风机的变频调速技术改造。Secondary cooling fan that the frequency control technical reformation.

整个制浆生产线的改造由美卓负责,美卓提供了主要设备以及进行工程设计。The reformation of the pulping production line was carried out by Metso.

目前的住房制度正在彻底改革。A drastic reformation of the present housing system has been carried out.