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跟长辈讲话应该有礼貌。Please speak mannerly with the eldership.

我不想成为你的老师,不想是你的兄长。I don't want to be your eldership brother.

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谢谢这位长辈,谢谢大家关心。Thank this eldership. And thank everybody's regard.

有必要的事情,我还是会及时和大家交流的。When I meet important things, I talk with every noble eldership in time.

有的长辈甚至不惜牺牲自己的形象来塑造中国的形象。Some eldership would like to sacrifice his own image to create the image of China.

但愿有哪位长辈的才华、上智与博爱能让我心服口服。I wish one eldership 's ability, wisdom and kindheartedness could make me convinced.

愿我的祖国和全球所有爱护我的长辈们指引我们幸福成长。I wish the eldership of my motherland and all over the world would direct us to grow up happily.

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第一天,人们会拜访自己家族的长辈,用磕头来表达新年的祝愿。On the first day , people visit eldership of their family and express New Year wishes with kowtowing.

很乐意和有大家风范的长辈进行和谐有效的交流。Im glad to talk with the eldership who has the sagaciousness and wonderful mien harmoniously and effectively.

身为长辈的我们,不但容易要求多于鼓励,更狭窄的界定了成功的定义。As their eldership , we are not only easily to demand more than encourage, but also to define success narrowly.

大人们有时候逗我玩,问我,外婆对你这么好,以后你怎么报答外婆啊?Sometimes, my eldership would like to ask me that, your grandma treat you so good, what would you do as a reward?

有和我认真聊过天的大人们或是长辈们都会觉得我是个思想挺成熟的女孩子,都有一种刮目相看的感觉。As long as the eldership have a serious talk with me, and then they would think I am mature in thought, they would look at me with new eyes.

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语重心长,担心不已!令我愧疚,内心充满负罪感。离婚四年,我成了长辈们眼中的怪人,朋友们眼中的傻瓜。Earnest, very worried, Let me guilty, filled with guilt, Divorce four years, eldership thought I was strange, my friends thought I was a fool.

专业和学生本人参加体育锻炼都是大学生对体育赞助认知度中的满意度影响因素。Factors impact the acquaintanceship degree, such as the sport the student has, the sport news the student reads, the attention eldership pays.

家里的长辈、老师、朋友在世界各地的政治、经济、文化领域忙碌,他们很疼爱伍泰洋,有重要的事情他们都会帮忙。My teachers, friends and the eldership of my family are all over the government , economy and civilization of the world. They all love me very much.

学生本人关注体育资讯、本人参加体育锻炼、长辈对体育资讯的关注程度是影响美誉度的重要因素。Factors impact, such as the major that the college students know about the patrons, the attention eldership pays, the sport the student has, the sport news the student reads.

中国政坛的领导们当然不会上当,每位长辈都展示了各自的大家风范,中华民族的古韵今风。The mugwumps of the Chinese politics would not swallow the bait certainly! Every eldership incarnate the noble character and the ethos of China and the civilization of the venerable east.