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这是一个折衷的课程。It's an eclectic class.

所以本课程是折衷的。So the class is eclectic.

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从那个角度讲,它是折衷的。In that way, it is eclectic.

我认为我是个折中主义者。I think I have a really eclectic style.

他的惯用手法是折衷。His habitual touch was that of the eclectic.

不同家具混搭的起居室。Detail of living room with eclectic furnishings.

邬达克在上海的建筑具有明显的折衷主义。Hudec's Shanghai buildings are strikingly eclectic.

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混金尾折中鹦鹉4个月大还没断奶。Mixed gold tail eclectic parrot 4 months not weaned.

它是折中的也是多方面的而且有一些很酷的演奏乐器。It's eclectic and versatile and has some cool vocals.

结构主义理论的起源充其量也不过是折衷主义。The origins of structural theories are eclectic at best.

其实这只不过是折衷主义在这个国家表现出来的冰山一角。But they are the tip of an eclectic iceberg in the country.

此外,戈尔巴乔夫的兴趣可谓不拘一格。Gorbachev has pursued some more eclectic interests as well.

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在某种程度上来说,这是一种折衷。它非常特别,And I think it's kind of eclectic in some ways. It's very different,

主张新旧融合、兼容并蓄的折衷主义立场。Advocated the integration of old and new, inclusive eclectic position.

目的探索综合心理疗法对场所恐惧症的效果。Object To explore the effect of Eclectic Psychotherapy in agoraphobia.

你也可以别具一格,选择带金属光泽或色彩鲜艳的。Or you can go for an eclectic look with a shiny metal or painted cart.

它是日本茶道和英国乡村花园折衷。It is an eclectic mix of Japanese tea drinking and English country garden.

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往届的获奖者名单显示了不同国家的不同音乐偏好。The list of previous winners reflects the eclectic musical tastes of countries.

我父亲那时广泛收集了那时的百分之七八十的唱片。My father had an extensive and eclectic collection of seventy-eights of the time.

你是一个真理,导引头,爱学习和您的利益,是折衷主义和多样化。You are a truth seeker, love to learn and your interests are eclectic and varied.