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他起诉要求损害赔偿。He sued for damage.

穿鞋会给孩子的脚带来什么危害呢?What sort of damage?

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有什么损坏吗?Was there any damage?

损伤肾小球。Damage renal glomerulus.

他要求他们赔偿损失。He sued them for damage.

这只是对机体破坏。It just does body damage.

不,我船不能自修损坏处。No, I cannot repair damage.

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损坏东西要赔。Pay for anything you damage.

霜能冻坏水管。Frost can damage water-pipes.

他是连带被株连的牺牲品。He was the collateral damage.

这会损坏他们的发剪。It would damage their shears.

毒系伤害和火系伤害呢?Poison damage or fire damage?

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漂染会损伤我的头发吗?Will bleaching damage my hair?

接缝或生涩不会受损。Will not damage seams or welts.

花时间关爱吧,那是生命之喜悦。Cherish anima, do not be damage.

我们无法办理你的索赔。We can't proce your damage claim.

电龙对自己造成20点伤害。Ampharos does 20 damage to itself.

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骨骼损坏不一定是持久的。Bone damage need not be permanent.

检查侧窗密封件是否损坏。Check side wind ow seal for damage.

安全阀阀座损坏或受到污染。Damage or fouled relief valve seat.