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双条喂入。Double sliver in feed.

条子中总棉结数量高。High total neps in sliver.

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喂入的棉条太散。Excessive spread of feed sliver.

条子喂入时太散。Spread of sliver at feed excessive.

接着,把梳理和精梳过的银线纺成纱。Carded and combed sliver is then spun.

有条子直接纺纱-毛羽低。Sliver to yarn spinning-less hairiness.

第三十条子项目延期验收。Thirtieth sliver item deferred acceptance.

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喂入粗纱的条子意外伸长。Stretch in draw frame sliver fed to roving.

条子喂入机构运行有故障。Defective operation of sliver feed mechanism.

由于梳棉棉网下坠导致条子过细。Thin card sliver due to web falling at cards.

喂入条中有未打开的粗纱条。Presence of unopened roving in the feed sliver.

天很暗,只有银色的月亮悬挂在天上。Only a sliver of moon hung above us. It was dark.

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我们举行了晚会庆祝母亲的银婚纪念。We had a party to celebrate Mother's sliver wedding.

它予人彷佛是狐皮的感觉。She was wearing a sliver fox fur across her shoulders.

她感觉到自己正目睹他童年的另一幕。She sensed she was glimpsing another sliver of his childhood.

约瑟的银杯被放在他兄弟的其中一个粮袋里。Joseph's sliver cup was put in one of his brothers food sacks.

找一根火柴,从一边切开一个口。Take a wooden matchstick and slice a thin sliver from one side.

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她常把可爱的头轻靠在风儿吹过的银沙滩之上。She often rests her daring headOn the sliver sand where winds blow.

如果你的一个朋友拿着一个很大的苹果派,却只分给你一点点小碎末,你会怎么办呢?What if your friend had a large apple pie but gave you only a sliver?

纤维被从落纱机上剥下,形成梳棉棉条输出。At the doffer, fibers are removed and eventually enter the card sliver.