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不要食用发霉的食物。Do not eat moldy foods.

我们把这件老掉牙的旧家具抛弃吧。Let's get rid of this moldy old furniture.

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他们所带的饼都是干的,长了霉了。All the bread of their food supply was dry and moldy.

我搜遍这个又霉又烂的地方找老鼠,比克。I scavenged this whole moldy musty place for rats, Beak.

在使用过程中注意保持茶枕干燥,枕芯不会发霉。If keep the tea pillow in dry air, it will not go moldy.

在临诊实践中,接触到马属动物的霉变酒糟中毒病例。We came across some cases of moldy brewery mash poisoning in equine.

把一些美味例如发霉的牛肉放入瓶底部分,有趣的事情开始了!Throw in some yummy goodies like old moldy beef and let the fun begin!

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她身上散发出像似一周未洗的汗味,就像发霉的罗马餐包。She emitted an odor of week-old perspiration and moldy Roman Meal bread.

于是,我的春天也腐败在了那个春天,那个干枯发霉的花环上。So, I was in the spring of corruption in the spring, the dry and moldy wreath.

食物只有发霉的面包和水,饥饿的狗要靠攻击其它的狗才能吃到食物。Fed only moldy bread and water, the dogs were cannibalizing each other out of hunger.

我们有许多发霉的思想,所以从理论上讲我猜想那使我们成为一个绿色公司。We have a lot of moldy ideas, so technically I suppose that makes us a green company.

一片家烤的面包,被放在厨房台面上,很快就会发霉。A piece of home-baked bread say left on your kitchen counter will get moldy relatively fast.

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一片家烤的面包,被放在厨房台面上,很快就会发霉。A piece of home-baked bread, say, left on your kitchen counter, will get moldy relatively fast.

如果你花费一些时间去妥善地储存食物,就不会再有变质发霉的食品。If you take the time to store your foods properly, you will not be faced with bad or moldy foods.

但花生米很容易受潮变霉,产生致癌性很强的黄曲霉菌毒素。However, moisture can easily become moldy peanuts, resulting in highly carcinogenic toxin aflatoxin.

馆藏的早期黑白底片霉变严重,已对底片构成严重危害。It is a serious phenomenon that the moldy of the early black-and-white films has affected the films harmfully.

志愿者们说,在多雨的季节,蚊子成群结队,衣服馊酸难闻,这时最能吸引意志坚强的志愿者。Staff members say the rainy season, with its mosquito swarms and moldy clothes, attracts the toughest volunteers.

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贫困人家现在都吃发霉的木薯,这种木薯的价格最近几个月已经涨了3倍。Poor households now are consuming moldy cassava, which in recent months has gone up in price threefold, Sheeran said.

听说意大利发了霉的芝士才是上剩的芝士,而我的发霉只是有丁点儿水分的青苔。Italy made a bacteria that the cheese is left on the cheese, and my moldy only is like the moss have a little of water.

装修工人说,地板是被从暖气管子里漏出来的水长时间浸泡而发霉变形的。Decoration workers said that the floor was leaked from the heating of the village water and moldy long soak deformation.