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你们可以说我是野蛮人,那你们是什么?50几个平民就想让我哭?You call me a barbarian, the what are you?What you expect me to veep over 50 civilians?

“基本上,我们将不断沉积硅收获”的高科技veep指出。“Basically, we’re continually harvesting the deposited silicon,” the tech veep pointed out.

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副总统带来吉普车队,吉普车哔哔叫,但哔哔的声音制造不了深奥一点的思考。The veep comes along with his jeeps. The jeeps beep and beep, but the beeps make no deeper thinking.

“我们那时候足够好,但是现在所有的工作都跑到中国去了,到一个国有企业去了。”工会副总裁说。"We were good enough then, but now all that work will go to China, to agovernment-owned company, " the union veep said.

在剧中饰演“副总统”的女主演茱莉亚•路易斯-德瑞弗斯也连续第五年获得喜剧类最佳女主角的荣誉。Its lead actress, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who plays the "Veep", also won the award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a comedy, for the fifth year in a row.

但是这些选民中的大多数都是民主党中的中坚分子,他们不可能在十一月临阵倒戈支持约翰麦凯恩。Unlike Mrs Clinton, these men represent vital swing states. Or there is John Edwards, who has run for veep before, and who has just endorsed Mr Obama.

据说,这位前副总统和他的前妻每年过节都会穿上“奇装异服”,跟每个找上门的人玩“不给糖就捣乱”的游戏。The former veep and his former wife were known to dress up in costume every year and greet trick-or-treaters who visited the vice-presidential mansion.

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的执行制片人是芭比娃娃的马特尔公司总经理理查德迪克森高级农村就业,罗伯赫德纳特,谁是娱乐副总裁芭比娃娃。The executive producers are Barbie general manager and Mattel senior veep Richard Dickson, and Rob Hudnut, who is vice president of Entertainment for Barbie.

但是,到了20世纪70年代,随着副总统获得预算支持、可以雇佣人员,这一职务的权力和权威却开始增长,并且不断向权力中心靠近。But the office's power and authority began to grow in the 1970s, with the veep getting a budget line, enhanced staffing, and increased access to the corridors of power.

现代意义上的副总统职位——副总统是总统的首席顾问也是事实上的总统席位的合作者——已经远远超越了宪法规定的角色。The modern conception of the vice-presidency—where the veep serves as chief advisor and virtual copresident—is a dramatic departure from the veep's constitutional role.