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在那陌生的地方我觉得寂寞。I felt lonesome in the strange land.

我想知道今晚你是否寂寞。I wonder if you're lonesome tonight.

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在晚上我常常觉得寂寞。I often feel lonesome in the evenings.

那没有孩子的老妇人很寂寞。The old woman was lonesome without children.

我一个人坐在这儿会感到孤独。It would be lonesome for me sitting here alone.

牵挂,在老去的时光里,凝成一朵寂寞的花。Care, in the old time, cemented a lonesome flower.

当丈夫因事外出时,她感到孤单寂寞。She is lonesome while her husband is away on business.

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从你的寂寞,过去的记忆让我们如此遥远。A memory from your lonesome past keeps us so far apart.

二十八年的闺房生活却如此寂寥。Twenty-eight years of womanly life and all so lonesome.

我的房子黑暗寂寞——把你的灯借给我罢!My house is all dark and lonesome -- lend me your light!

夜空中沉默的那轮皎月也是寂寞的。The wordless bright moon in the night sky is lonesome too.

也许在偏僻的山谷里,在一棵白橡树上自我了结。Down in some lonesome valley, hangin' from a white oak tree.

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一个又一个寂寞的夜里,期待着你的消息。One and other lonesome at the mid-night, in hopes of your news.

繁华一季的栀子花,落了一地的失落与寞然。Gardenia bustling quarter, down a lonesome land loss and natural.

我尝试爱上这份孤独,跳出这个寂寞的洞窟。I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of this lonesome hole.

只剩下一个个体,名为“孤独的乔治”生存在平塔群岛。Only one individual, a male named "Lonesome George" survives from the Pinta race.

这个孤单的水手孤身一人来到了与他家乡隔海相望的一个陌生小镇。The lonesome sailor was all alone in a strange town across the sea from his home.

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是寂寞的圣路加,”桑姆说,“他是一个在大平原上流浪牛仔的鬼魂。”It's Lonesome Luke, " said Slim. " He's a ghost of a cowboy who wanders the prairie.

可能人都是一个人的时候容易寂寞无依吧。Possibility all of persons be a person of the time be easy lonesome have no depend on.

不要在晚风中惊叹,替你敲开寂寞的心弦。Want in the breeze of the night to marvel, knock to open lonesome heartstring for you.