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这些动词都含有引起困惑或混乱的意思。These verbs mean to cause bafflement or confusion.

但在中国的社交媒体上大多数人表达了强烈的反对。But on Chinese social media most commenters expressed bafflement at the backlash.

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一年后的1242年,由于欧洲的抵抗和救援,蒙古骑兵调转部队撤退。A year later, in 1242, to European bafflement and relief, they turned round and went back again.

然而,帕蒂史密斯在采访中显示了德普对工作室的困惑不为所动。However, the interview, conducted by Patti Smith, shows Depp was unfazed by the studio's bafflement.

电影的那些评论并没有在评论的结尾假设承认迷惑,但我就是这么想的。Film critics aren't supposed to confess bafflement at the end of a review, but that's what I feel here.

但当他们发现大出并非没有为之奋斗的生活目标时,他们的迷惑转为了怀疑。But their bafflement turned to suspicion when it emerged that Oide apparently had everything to live for.

毫无疑问,很多西方人在参观完中国的博物馆或是文化古迹时,也会出于同样的困惑提出类似的问题。No doubt many Westerners have left Chinese museum or cultural site tours asking questions out of equal bafflement.

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在嗡嗡的震耳欲聋的喧闹声里,幻影慢慢升入空中,留下空空的蜂巢和令人困惑的静谧。Boosted by a tremendous buzzing racket, the ghost slowly rises into the sky, leaving behind the empty box and quiet bafflement.

这个问题的提出足见我们在面对日本流行文化长久以来的困惑。The fact that the question needs to be asked is indicative of the enduring bafflement with which we regard Japanese pop culture.

副总统承认,他对金正日主席想通过最近与国际社会的对峙得到什么感到迷惑。The vice president professed bafflement on what President Kim Jong Il hopes to achieve in the latest standoff with the international community.

如果自然的亲近和熟捻是魔法世界的人特有的一种品质的话,那他们对麻瓜世界的机械发明品的无知也是两者之间的一个区别。If their comfort and familiarity with Nature is an attribute of magicals, then their bafflement with Muggles ' investment in machinery is part of the difference between the two peoples as well.