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把茄子切成丁儿。Dice the eggplant.

菠菜和茄子。Spinach and eggplant.

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怎么烧茄子?How to cook the eggplant?

虎皮辣椒烧茄子。Tiger burning pepper eggplant.

茄子炒青辣椒。Sauteed Eggplant and Green Chilli.

再加入茄条和酱汁。Add the eggplant strips and the sauce.

我也去打一份红烧茄子。I'd like to have the braised eggplant too.

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不要让新娘吃秋天的茄子。Don't let the bride eat the autumn eggplant.

茄子烧肉。还有这道卷心菜。The eggplant with pork, and this Chinese cabbage.

鱼香茄子。茄子总是很好吃的。Stir fried eggplant. Eggplant is always delicious.

茄子这个词会令我们产生多么奇怪的联想!What strange connotations the eggplant has inspired!

接下来,再放一层茄子块和灯笼椒块。Then, , a layer of eggplant and sweet pepper follows.

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茄子做的企鹅们正在好奇地看什么呢?These inquisitive looking penguins are made of eggplant.

黄瓜和茄子说不下去了。Both the cucumber and the eggplant could not talk anymore.

和大多数蔬菜一样,茄子也分不同的种类。As with most vegetables, there are different types of eggplant.

单个茄子至少可有四十种不同的烹制方式。Eggplant alone can be prepared in at least forty different ways.

说明茄子皮可作为一种饲料资源进行利用。So eggplant husk could be utilized as a kind of forage resources.

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茄子吊几天就蔫了,这样的人家能养出好姑娘吗?Hung a eggplant is so stupid, that family can't raist a good girl!

本品种是在原黑又亮紫长茄基础上。This species is in original black and bright purple long eggplant basis.

鸡蛋打散与盐、水豆粉搅成淡豆粉、裹于茄子上。Beat eggs with salt, water, soy flour Jiaocheng light, wrapped in eggplant.