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她被一条杂种狗吓坏了。She was frightened by a cur.

一只难看的大个杂种狗试了试运气。A big ugly cur tried his luck.

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将一个静电计连接到开关卡输出并测量电流。Connect an electrometer to the switch card output and measure the cur rent.

我认为应计划好时间,以便有足够的时间工作和娱乐。I think we should plan cur time so as to have adequate time for both work and play.

本通风器主要用于通风干湿仪表,作为驱动叶轮产生均匀气流的主要元件。The ventilator uses for ventilating psychrometer , which bring even air cur rent as driving impeller.

有些低阻应用可能需要提供一个相对较高的测试电流,并测量非常小的电压。Some low resistance applications may require sourcing a relatively high test cur rent and measuring very low voltages.

然而,漏流与施加的电压有关,因此该方法不可用于电压扫描。However, the leakage cur rent is dependent on the applied voltage, so this technique cannot be used for voltage sweeps.

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本文从探讨课程的基本特征的角度,系统阐述了课程观与课程理念。The article explores the curriculum views from the angle of the discussion on the basic charac terrstics of cur ricu lum.

最后进行了计算机仿真,给出了系统的有效位数和输入信号频率的关系曲线。At last, computer simulation to obtain the relation cur ve between the system ENOB and the input signal's frequency is given.

开关卡或模块设计用于插入到可为继电器提供驱动电流及各种控制信号的主机中。Switch cards or modules are designed to plug into a mainframe that supplies drive cur rent for the relays and various control signals.

回力车子。各种各样的工程车,小人儿,和路标组合。漂亮又可爱,是儿童的益智玩具!Back in the car. A wide range of engineering vehicles, cur infants, and signposts portfolio. Beautiful and lovely children, educational toys!

两个姐姐让小妹下车,砍下她的双手,挖出她的双眼,把她当作死人扔在了树丛中。The older girls ordered the younger one out of the carriage, cur off her hands, gouged out her eyes, and left her lying unconscious in the bushes.

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阐述了测量用电流互感器仪表保安系数的计算方法和半成品控制方法,并给出了计算实例。The calculating safety factor method and the controlling semi-finished products method in measuring cur rent transformers are discussed. The examples are given.

资产分为流动资产,长期投资,固定资产,无形资产,递延资产和其他资产。For accounting treatment, assets are normally divided into cur rent assets, long-term investments, fixed assets, intangible as sets, deferred assets and other assets.

不要像个小混混那样说话,表现的愤愤不满,仿佛他得到的都是应该的,仇恨整个世界,还有就是抱怨自己所承受的痛苦。Don't get the expression of a vicious cur that appears to know the kicks it gets are its desert, and yet hates all the world, as well as the kicker, for what it suffers.

在这一转变过程中,信用证项下银行的审单义务也逐步加重,而“法律不计较琐事”与“细微处对银行仍有重要意义”之间也取得了相对平衡。In the process, the bank"s examination obligation has increased little by little, and "de minimis non cur at lex" reaches equilibrium with "de minimis still important to bank".

并采用等效电导率的方法分析在有电极压降及电流泄漏情况下上述参数的变化情况。With the presence of electrode voltage drop and cur -rent leakage, applying the method of equivalent electrical conductivities the variations of the above parameters are studied.

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为将干扰降至最小,例如偏移电流、漏泄电流、静电干扰、摩擦电流和电化电流,需要采用特殊的技术。Special techniques must be used to minimize interferences such as offset cur rents, leakage currents, electrostatic interference, triboelectric currents, and electrochemical currents.

高等教育成本分担制度是我国高等教育改革的重要内容,也是建立健全我国市场经济体制的重要内容。Cost-sharing system of higher education is the key part of higher education reform in our country and also the main content for establishing and perfecting cur marker-oriented economy system.

我省唯有转变观念、抢抓机遇、加强合作、提高自身竞争力,才能在新一轮竞争中处于有利地位。Only by changing the idea, seizing the opportunity, strengthening cooperation and. improving one's own competitiveness, can cur province be in the favorable position in one new round of competitions.