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她的头发蓬松地垂在前额上。Her hair hung limply over her forehead.

我手脚发软地敲了敲门,然后开了门。I knock limply on the door and open it.

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双手背可静静地正在身旁松开。Your arms can rest limply at your side.

腹泻、头晕、四肢无力是得什么病了?Diarrhoea, giddy, limply be what to disease get?

见到美女就头晕,四肢无力,这是什么病啊?See the belle is giddy, limply , what disease is this?

皮肤粗糙无光泽,头发暗黄,四肢无力。我该怎么办?The skin is coarse lacklustre, the hair is dark yellow, limply . How should I do?

一位女士带她的宠物鸭子看兽医,它一动不动软软地躺在她的手臂上。A woman brought her pet duck to the vet, he wasn't moving and lay limply in her arms.

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她说的时候再也不挣扎了,她无力地吊在莫尔蒙的手上眼中充满了泪水。All the fight went out of her at that. She hung limply in Mormont's grasp as her eyes filled with tears.

一天就跟电脑一起,现在头晕,四肢无力。难道说真的跟电脑辐射有关吗?。One day follows computer one case, giddy now, limply . Say to be concerned with computer radiate really?

她们一定很累了,因为到到最后,差不多一半人的都在软绵无力的摇曳她们的胳膊和脚了。They must have gotten tired because towards the end half of them were limply shuffling their feet and arms.

起身过去,一把扯过黎渊的小脚毫不手软的把飞镖拔了下来。Start in the quondam, an once pulled the small feet of Li Yuan to nowise and hand goes limply pluck out throw down.

救完三个侄女后,艾尔斯自己试图往下跳,然而由于吸入过多的烟,她从窗户上无力地坠落。After rescuing the three girls, Ayres tried to jump herself, but overcome by smoke inhalation fell limply from the window.

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为什么发烧会伴随着头痛,喉咙痛?即使好了,还是头痛,喉咙痛,四肢无力?Why to have a fever can accompany have a headache, sore throat? Although good, still have a headache, sore throat, limply ?

他虚弱地蹒跚着,血从鼻子、嘴和耳朵晨流出来,那身漂亮的皮毛被喷溅上斑斑血迹。He staggered limply about, the blood flowing from nose and mouth and ears, his beautiful coat sprayed and flecked with bloody slaver.

感冒大病了一场吃了一个礼拜多的药,好了全身四肢无力,请问吃什么身体恢复得快?Cold a serious illness took the drug with a much chapel, good the whole body is limply , what body to eat to restore quickly excuse me?

一件灰色卫生衣乱皱皱地搭在汤米的空桌上,让人想起这个情绪低落的男孩,他刚随同学从三年级教室出去。A gray sweater hung limply on Tommy's empty desk, a reminder of the dejected boy who had just followed his classmates from our third-grade room.

首先充分的舒展身体,然后回到放松的状态,将右腿抬高一两英尺,然后让它自然落下,慢慢的重复两次。Stretch luxuriously first. Then when you are settled at your ease again, lift the right leg a foot or two. Let it drop limply. Repeat slowly twice.

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她右面黑夜的阴暗被熄灭的灯芯和在手上被无力地拿着的钝黄铜烛台扩大了。The murkiness of the annihilating darkness to her right is amplified by the extinguished taper and blunt brass of the candlestick she carries limply in her hand.

刚入院治疗时见效,但是再往下住,症状又全部出现,仍觉四肢无力,头痛,失眠等。Just was admitted to hospital get effective when cure, but live downward again, the symptom appears entirely again, still become aware limply , have a headache, insomnia.

铅及其他重金属会通过摸触或呼吸进入体内,会出现头痛、记忆力减退、四肢无力、消化不良等中毒症状。Plumbic etc heavy metal can be touched through feeling or breath enters system inside, can appear have a headache, memory drops, the toxic symptom such as limply , indigestion.