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噢,瘸腿的圣徒!Oh, lame saint!

他的马腿跛了。His horse fell lame.

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那匹马腿瘸了。The horse goes lame.

谎言总是无说服力的。Lies are always lame.

他跛了一条腿。He is lame in one leg.

当然是跛鸭喽。A lame duck, of course.

那只美洲驼有一只腿瘸。The llama has a lame leg.

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帮助跛足的狗越过栅栏。Help a lame dog over stile.

帮助跛足的狗越过栅门。Help a lame dog over a stile.

羔羊的大腿是跛的。The lamb was lame in its lap.

帮助跛足的狗越过栅栏。L Help a lame dog over a stile.

那个跛足的孩子远远掉在后面。The lame child lagged far behind.

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那个跛足的孩子远远落在后面。The lame child lagged far behind.

这是一句蹩脚的大废话。This is a giant, lame load of BS.

这里的只是一些跛脚的额外无足轻重。Here's just some lame extra footy.

他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。He is lame so he walks with a crutch.

只不过是因为课室太小、太无聊了。The class is juz 2 small n lame 4 us.

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他的跛足是一次车祸的结果。His lame is the result of an accident.

苏格拉底给了一个跛脚的回答。Socrates gives a rather lame response.

这个士兵由于受过伤而跛足。The soldier is lame from an old wound.