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我送返这些能量到它所属的地方。I return such energy to whomever it belongs to.

谁赢得网络桌面,谁就将赢得整个整个财富。Whomever wins the Webtop will win the whole stack.

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不过,我也发现,这个名字也让我可以做我想做的任何人。But I also find that it allows me to be whomever I want.

我也愿意把这份欢悦与想要和我坐下来谈话的所有人分享。And I want to share that joy with whomever wants to sit and talk with me.

你走以后���我可以做我想做的任何事。我可以见我想见的任何人。Since you been gone, I can do whatever I want. I can see whomever I choose.

他正向与他交谈的人们讲一个关于”一千颗弹珠”的故事。He was telling whomever he was talking with something about "a thousand marbles".

科恩斧兵是轻装突袭部队,使用短柄战斧进行厮杀,随时愿意接受高价雇佣。Lightly armoured Irish warriors armed with axes, willing to fight for whomever can pay them.

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如果你只是同相关人士订立一份非正式合约,你可以选任何人做你罚金受益人。If you just write an informal contract with a referee, you can make the recipient whomever you want.

无论祂去何方,见何人,出自祂身上的能量,治愈了每一个接触到祂的人。Wherever he went and whomever he met, a power went out from him that healed everyone who touched him.

或许单身的你现在觉得自己有与喜欢的人谈恋爱的自由。Or maybe youare single and you now think you have the freedom to fall in love with whomever you please.

警方仍在仔细见擦汗监控录像,希望看到是谁放置的这辆车。Police still pouring through the surveillance videos to see if they can spot whomever left the vehicle.

如果你失去了这两点中的任何一点,当任何人试图影响你,你就会成为他们的奴隶。And if you’re missing either of those, consider yourself a slave to whomever decides to act on you first.

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让一个人类的实验者和房间中的“任何人”只是通过打字信息保持对话。Have a human experimenter holdaconversation with"whomever" isin the room only by means of typed messages.

以下观点仅代表发帖者个人意见,本网站对此不负任何责任。The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

科学家们正在将各个通讯系统连接起来,从而将收集到的数据资料传输给任何可将其转化为有用知识的使用者。They are linking communications systems to shunt these data to whomever can work them into useful knowledge.

但是,库什内支持萨科齐会见****的决定,他表示总统有权利会见他想见的任何人。But Kouchner defended Sarkozy's decision to meet the Dalai Lama, saying he was free to meet whomever he chooses.

跟着潮流走吧,和在一起的朋友尽情玩乐,但是不要做出任何许诺,也不要期待什么回报。Go with the flow and enjoy your time with whomever you are with but don't make promises or expect them in return.

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一旦它拥有了某个DVD,该公司就有权按自己希望的价格,将之租借给任何想看这张DVD的人。Once Netflix owns a DVD, it has the rights to rent it to whomever it wants, at whatever price it wants to charge.

有时候可能有许多来源,你可以意愿送返每一层而无论它们起源于何处。Sometimes there may be many sources of origin, and one can intend to send back each layer to whomever it originated.

菩萨摩诃萨行布施时,应当慈悲宽其心意,所有乞者任彼往来,随其所须皆不遮吝。A Bodhisattva should practice giving with a compassionate and broad mind, giving whatever needed to whomever in need.