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我们讨论了三和弦的根音。We've talked about the root of the triad.

后来印度教的三神一体。The triad of divinities of later hinduism.

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这是安全性的三个需求中的第二个。This is the second requirement of the security triad.

黑社会帮主和成员可以直接上班。Bangzhu and members of the triad can directly go to work.

他是退休的黑社会和洗钱的贷款业务。He is retiring from the triad and money-lending business.

主音,中音和属音一同构成主音三和弦。Tonic, mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad.

所以想到去试着爱,创造,和平衡。So think of this as a triad of love, co-creation and balance.

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三和弦的根音是在一个三和弦最底部的音。The root of the triad is the bottom-most pitch of that triad.

调查复杂的有组织罪案和严重的三合会罪行。Investigates complex organised crime and serious triad offences.

三和弦第一转位是将原第三音置于底部。The first inversion of a triad has the original third at the bottom.

警方逮捕了年龄从16岁到55岁不等的33名成员,其中包括一名三合会高级领袖。Police arrested 33 men, ages 16 to 55, including a senior triad leader.

下属音,下中音和主音共同构成下属音三和弦。Subdominant , submediant and tonic together form the subdominant triad.

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三和弦第二转位是将原最上面的音置于底部。The second inversion of a triad has the original top note at the bottom.

封闭的五个条款符号,展开成为三位一体的十字架符号。The closed, five-term sign opens up as a triad into the sign of the cross.

这三合一的能量模式主要是与释放、疗愈和重建相关。The energy pattern of the Triad is around release, healing and reconstruction.

在龙蛇混集的环境中长大,从小便加入了黑社会。Mixed set in Long She grew up in an environment, from urinating joined the triad.

行动的目的是阻止三合会的犯罪行为和遏制他们的经费来源。The aim of this operation is to curb triad activities and their sources of income.

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虚构的人物詹姆斯·邦德常被人引用作为具有“黑暗性格”的典范。The fictional character of James Bond is frequently cited as possessing dark triad traits.

所以,恐惧的本质有两个层面,而三位一体之门可以协助你处理。So there are in essence two levels of fear that the Triad gates will assist you to deal with.

可通过支架联结组装成三联体或二联体,支架上有用于固定的安装孔。Assemble into a triad body or diad body through linked bracket which has mounting holes for fixing.