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他从不爽约。He did not obey.

我们必须服从命令。We must obey orders.

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你非得服从命令不可。You must obey orders.

我服从我的第六感!I obey the six vengance!

军人必须服从命令。A soldier must obey orders.

那是要遵守的好规则。Everybody must obey the rules!

她的几个孩子从不忤逆她。Her kids never obey her orders.

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右边的同学请看指导语。And everybody on this half obey.

每个公民都应当守法。Every citizen ought to obey law.

你必须奉诏觐见国王。You must obey the king's summons.

你必须奉诏觐见国王。You must obey the king's summons.

遵守班规及校规。Obey class rules and school rules.

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一切行为都要听从指挥。Of all acts must obey the command.

士兵必须服从长官。Soldiers must obey their officers.

你一定要服从我父亲,你一定要啊!You must obey my father--you must!

狗可以训练得听从命令。Dogs can be trained to obey orders.

你必须绝对服从她的命令。You must obey her without question.

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因为彼此对婚姻是认真的,所以,你我相守到老。I do my best to obey all your wishes.

它们只是遵守意识思维的命令而已。They merely obey the behests of mind.

其城市遵守位序-规模法则吗?Do its cities obey the rank-size rule?