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“印象派”是什么意思?What is the meaning of the "impressionism"?

法国音乐家德彪西,被称为印象派音乐大师。France Musician Debussy is the music master of impressionism.

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文森特·凡高是后期印象主义绘画大师。Vincent van gogh was a painting master of later impressionism.

超过一百年以前印象出现在现场。Over one-hundred years ago Impressionism appeared on the scene.

印象派改变了人们以前对于艺术的看法。Impressionism changed the way that people thought about art ago.

长期以来,印象主义一直是最具有影响力的艺术运动之一。Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements.

我们像阅读一本书一样去解读一幅画。It was Impressionism that dampened our ability to read a painting like a book.

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她的作品融合了中国水墨画和西方印象派的风格。Her paintings combine the Chinese ink and wash style with Western impressionism.

梵高显然深受当时袭卷巴黎艺坛的印象派画风影响。Van Gogh was undoubtedly influenced by the Impressionism that swept the city's art world.

从此,“印象派”从法国开始影响整个欧洲,成为西方现代绘画的起点。Impressionism affected the whole of Europe and became the start of Western modern painting.

印象派声称看到世界展示一个更真实的减少人工和程式化的方式。Impressionism claimed to show the seen world more truly, in a less artificial and stylized manner.

想一想各个艺术运动,从印象派和表现主义到超现实主义和极简主义。Think about the different movements of art, from Impressionism and Expressionism to Surrealism and Minimalism.

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法国的印象派或德国的表现派都有其独特的创思与技法。For example, French Impressionism or German Expressionism, each has its own unique creative ideas and techniques.

长期以来,印象主义一直是最具有影响力的艺术运动之一。Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements.Van Gogh‘s impressionistic paingting entitled "Dr.

印象派是一个形成于19世纪中叶,以法国画家莫奈•雷诺阿等为代表的绘画流派。Impressionism was formed in the mid-19th century represented by French painter Monet, Renoir and some other painters.

最开始,梵高只用一些昏暗的色彩,直到他在巴黎遇到了印象派及新印象派画家。Initially, van Gogh worked only with sombre colours, until he encountered Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism in Paris.

风格化属于破坏性滤镜,通过置换像素生成绘画或印象派的效果。Style effects belongs to destructive filter effects, reaching painting or impressionism effect through replacing each pixel.

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现代主义音乐是指19世纪末20世纪初印象主义音乐以后,直到今天的全部西方专业音乐创作。Modern music refers to the late 19th and early 20th century impressionism music until the music today all western professional.

他曾由毕沙罗介绍加入印象主义画派并参加了第一届印象派画展。Introduced by Camille Pissarro, Cezanne joined the Impressionism and participated in the first Impressionist painting exhibition.

西方现代绘画的音乐性表现在非自然性、情感性、象征性。The quality of the modern western painting is presented in the form of non-naturalism, emotionalism, symbolism and impressionism.