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蜜蜂蜇伤。Bee sting.

荨麻怎样“叮”人?How do nettles sting?

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苍蝇大都不螫人。Most flies do not sting.

大多数苍蝇不叮人。Most flies do not sting.

胡椒蜇舌头。Peppers sting the tongue.

这就是一根芒刺。That was the insect sting.

她的脸满是被蜂螫的伤痕。My finger was hurt by a sting.

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小心他们的蜂刺。Watch out for the sting attack.

感受千刀万剐的痛!Feel the sting of a thousand cuts!

我的腿被蜜蜂蛰伤了。My leg smarted from the bee sting.

蝮舌如叉蚯蚓刺。Adders fork, and blind-worms sting.

蜜蜂就飞出来蜇人了。Bee sting on the fly out of people.

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黄蜂的螫针在尾部。The sting of a wasp is in its tail.

他说话总带刺儿。There's always a sting in his words.

蜜蜂用螫针刺皮肤。A bee pricks the skin with its sting.

快逃,噢!这可能有点刺痛喔!Come on. Oh. This may sting a little.

我实际上就习以为常了,就当是蚊虫叮一下了。I’ve actually come to like the sting.

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你想让这个海葵刺疼你吗?Do you want this anemone to sting you?

他胳膊上的小红点是虫叮的伤痕。Eg. The red spot on his arm is a sting.

蝎子的毒钩在其尾部。The sting of a scorpion is in its tail.