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成功者是自在的。F. A winner can be spontaneous.

这种现象叫做自发恢复。This is known as spontaneous recovery.

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这对于任何自发过程成立。And this is for any spontaneous change.

自发过程的方向。Sort of direction of spontaneous change.

绝大多数纤维都有自发放电。Almost all fibers had spontaneous discharge.

这就是自发变化的条件。That's our condition for spontaneous change.

这就是自发变化的条件。This Is our condition for spontaneous change.

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这可以告诉我们变化是否是自发的。That tells us whether the change is spontaneous.

他们在意识和行为上是自发的。They are spontaneous in their ideas and actions.

我也是去年三月份自然流产过一次。In March last year, I had a spontaneous abortion.

自发的变革出现在1966年到1967年间。In 1966-1967 there was spontaneous transformation.

1966-1967年这些音乐形势自然而然地发生了变化。In 1966-1967 there was spontaneous transformation.

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它是自发的感情流露。It's the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.

然而,这些过程都是自发进行的。And yet, these things are all spontaneous processes.

探险者---猎奇,冒险,率直Explorers – novelty-seeking, risk-taking, spontaneous.

给我一种遁世,让我独自吟唱那如鸟鸣的随性之歌。Give me to warble spontaneous songs recluse by myself.

事实上,任何自发过程都会导致熵上升。And in fact any spontaneous process will make it go up.

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研究人员将此称为“自然发生特质转移”。Researchers call this "spontaneous trait transference."

留心这自动自发的世代生出的神学。Beware of a theology produced by spontaneous generation.

这有一些自发进行的化学反应,这一个。So here are some spontaneous chemical changes Here's one.