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我是阿尔法,我是哦梅戛。I am Alpha and Omega.

我们也会考虑符号ΩWe also looked at Omega Notation.

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含14克蛋白质和3毫克奥米茄3必须脂肪酸。With 14g protein and 3mg of Omega 3.

因此角速度大概是2。5弧度每秒。So omega is about 2.5 radians per second.

这个ω我们叫做,角频率。This omega we call the angular frequency.

ω等于2π乘以旋转的频率。Omega equals 2pi times the spin frequency.

欧米茄的品牌在中国很响,拥有31家店铺。Omega is a big brand in China, with 31 shops.

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Omega是希腊字母表中的最后一个字母。Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.

耶稣是圣经的阿拉法和俄梅戞。Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega of the Bible.

ω是角频率,是不变的。This omega is the angular frequency It is a constant.

辛迪-克劳馥是欧米茄手表的全球形象大使。Cindy Crawford is a global ambassador for Omega watches.

欧米茄是有史以来唯一的钟表制造商已经建立了一个中央陀飞轮。OMEGA is the only watchmaker ever to have created a central Tourbillon.

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请食用高品质的动物性欧米加3脂肪酸如磷虾油。Take a high quality source of animal-based omega 3 fats like Krill Oil.

这个小说的开头让我想起了异度装甲。I am Alpha and omega. the beginning and the end. the first and the last.

ω,θ两点,是角速度,是不变的。Omega here, theta dot, is the angular velocity, which is not a constant.

方丈查看尸体伤痕时,确认是少林的大力金刚掌所为。Abbot see body scar, confirmation is made by omega supreme palm of shaolin.

宣称欧米伽脂肪酸只在鱼中才有绝对是谎言。Claims about omega fatty acids being found solely in fish are absolute lies.

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欧米茄总裁欧科华先生致开幕辞。Stephen Urquhart, President of OMEGA International, delivers the opening speech.

第14步兵旅是共和国突击队欧米伽小队在Haurgab执行任务时遇到的第一支部队。The 14th was first encountered by Omega Squad during their deployment to Haurgab.

人们日益认识到ω脂肪酸对健康的影响。There's a growing awareness about the health-giving effects of omega fatty acids.