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过度抽水也可能导致发动机熄火。Excessive pumping may also lead to flameout.

保持发动机意外熄火时的制动效果。To keep the engine braking effect when the unexpected flameout.

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待冰糖完全融化后熄火,使银耳汤冷却。Flameout stay rock candy melt completely, the tremella soup to cool.

当他们飞越阿尔卑斯山时,飞机的3个引擎突然熄火。When they fly across a the Alps, 3 engine of the plane are abrupt flameout.

燃气灶的熄火保护功能是保证家庭厨房安全的重要屏障。As to kitchen secure, the flameout protection of gas stove is an important barrier.

全燃烧高炉煤气锅炉的火焰检测器以及FSSS的炉膛灭火保护。Fire detector and flameout protection for FSSS in all blast furnace gas fired boiler.

若仍无效,可扳动减压拉杆减压,使发动机熄火。If still invalid, can throw decompression, make the engine flameout lever decompression.

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简要介绍公路行驶的柴油发动机车辆在实施排气制动时防止发动机熄火的控制方式。Control mode to prevent engine flameout in exhaust braking on diesel engine vehicle is introduced.

利用系统矩阵法建立了车辆动力传动系在发动机一缸熄火时的扭振数学模型。Presents a torsional vibration model during the flameout of a cylinder with the system matrix method.

其燃烧稳定,具有极低的回火率以及离焰率,已成功应用于多个炼油化工装置。It is proved in practice that the burner have high burning stability, low backfire rate and low flameout rate.

其燃烧稳定,具有极低的回火率以及离焰率,已成功应用于多个炼油化工装置中。It is proved in practice that the burner have high burning stability, low backfire rate and low flameout rate.

实践证明,该燃烧器燃烧稳定,具有极低的回火率以及离焰率。Practice shows that the burner is characterized by high burning stability, low backfire rate and flameout rate.

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注意在拧紧螺母时,发动机应熄火停机,以确保人员安全。The attention when screws tight the nut, the engine should the flameout engine off, ensure the personal security.

采取激烈措施有可能只对其他国家有利,但代价是中国“发动机”熄火。Taking drastic measures is probably advantageous to other countries, but its cost is the flameout of China engine.

燃烧调整试验较好地改善了炉内燃烧特性,有效地减少了锅炉结焦、渣和熄火现象。The experiment for combustion adjustment can effectively improve combustion as well as limit the probability of slagging and flameout.

熄火再煮锅不但节能省钱,而且节约空间。沸腾后把它放在任何地方继续煲煮,不占用炉具,你可以用炉头再做其它菜肴。The flameout reboiler not only save money, but also save space. You can put it in everywhere you like and cook other food on the furnace!

本文通过对两台道依茨BF8M1015C柴油发动机自动熄火故障原因的判断、分析及处理方法。This article through judgment, analysis and processing method of automatic flameout breakdown reason for two Deutz BF8M1015C diesel engine.

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利用熄火再煮锅离开火源可以再沸腾的特点,烧开一锅靓汤后,你甚至可以把它当成可以不用能源的火锅来使用。Use the characteristic of the flameout reboiler, after boil the fresh soup. you can even use it as a boiler which is no need energy sources.

发动机熄火开关、油门拉线、加速把手全都按装在操纵手柄上,方便了操作。Engine flameout switch, throttle cable to speed up the handles are mounted on a manipulation by the handle, the convenience of the operation.

小火稳定,大火强烈,不向外溅油滴,熄火时没有余烟。The utility model has the advantages of stable small fire, intense big fire, no outward spraying oil drop, and on redundant smoke in flameout.