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大宝王子是大宝庄园之副牌酒。Connétable Talbot is the second wine of Chateau Talbot.

遇难者中有一位澳大利亚最富商人,肯。塔尔伯特。Among the dead is one of Australia's richest men, Ken Talbot.

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大宝庄除了在美度区拥有产业外,有没有收购其他庄园的动向?Does Chateau Talbot buy out any wineries in other areas outside Medoc?

托尔伯特还认为正是信念帮助他改善了自己的生活状况。Talbot also thinks faith helped him through his own life circumstances.

可见大宝庄的命运,与倾国倾城的葡萄酒是交织在一起的。This is the beginning of Chateau Talbot , which gives some romance to the wine.

港口塔尔博特是一个钢镇,一切事情为灰色的铁矿石灰尘所覆盖。Port Talbot is a steel town, where everything is covered with gray iron ore dust.

这种事在塔尔伯特先生身上却没有发生,所以在这一点上说他是幸运的。In the case of mr . talbot this didn ' t happen , so to that extent he was fortunate.

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工会和管理者们向托尔伯特解释说是因为司机们还没有受过正规的培训。The union and management urged Talbot to understand that drivers had not been trained yet.

他随她走进了沃尔特·塔尔伯特自己设计的紧凑整齐的厨房。He followed her into the compact, orderly kitchen which Walter Talbot had designed himself.

而上一次发现座头鲸搁浅还要追溯到2007年,地点是威尔士的塔尔博特港。The last humpback whale found stranded around the UK coastline was in 2007 at Port Talbot in Wales.

例如,托尔伯特所说的ADA要求新大楼至少要有一个入口对残疾人是无障碍的。For instance, Talbot says the ADA requires that at least one entrance on new buildings be accessible.

“我们认识奢华的新形式将是这种有时间去享受和体验”,Talbot说。"We think the new form of luxury will be those that have the time to enjoy an experience," Talbot said.

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连续几周,托尔伯特都在他接受治疗的脊髓医院里帮他的医生修车。Within weeks, Talbot was fixing his doctor's car at the spinal cord hospital where he was being treated.

托尔伯特被邀请参加ADA的20周年庆祝活动,并同时被邀请于周一造访白宫。Talbot has been invited to celebrate the ADA's 20th anniversary with a visit to the White House on Monday.

托尔伯特说,就在数周前一辆水泥运输车还曾撞击过高速路的中路,撞坏了一大部分路。A few weeks earlier, Talbot said, a concrete hauler had hit the freeway median, taking out a big chunk of it.

警员勘探了丁家现场,并没发现又入室和斗殴陈迹,只能以掉踪处置!Police officers DingGu site, and explored didn't find and home invasion and fight off, can with talbot trace disposal!

于是托尔伯特重新回到校园考了GED,然后去了密歇根大学学习机械工程。Talbot then went back to school to earn his GED and then to the University of Michigan to study mechanical engineering.

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紧随着2007年“彩虹深处”首发专辑的发布,这是这位来自“英国达人”小康妮的第二张专辑。Following 2007's 'Over The Rainbow' this is the second full-length album from Britain's Got Talent finalist Connie Talbot.

当托尔伯特最终再次回到家的时候,虽然他极力证明自己依旧可以工作,但他还是很难找到一份汽车技师的工作。When he was finally home again, Talbot had trouble finding a job as a mechanic, even though he proved he could do the work.

达盖尔发明的照相法和英格兰福克斯·塔尔博特的碘化银纸照相法出现在同一时期。The work on the Daguerre process was taking place at the same time as that of Fox Talbot in England on the calotype process.