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这是一个令人心碎的故事。That is a heartbreaking story.

这项交易令王兴越想越伤心。The deal was heartbreaking for Wang.

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这是个既甜蜜又令人心碎的时刻。It’s both sweet and heartbreaking at the same time.

这个决定既叫人感到伤感,又充满了希望。That decision is both heartbreaking and hope-filled.

送葬者泪如雨下,令人心碎。The mourner's profuse tears at the burial were heartbreaking.

爱普斯坦从自己的经历中举出了一个令人心碎的例子。Epstein relates a heartbreaking example from his own experience

“从我的父母那听到这个是令人心碎的,”朱说。"It was heartbreaking to hear this from my parents, " Zhu says.

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这些地方的生活质量和宜居性确实令人心碎。The quality of life and livability of these areas is really heartbreaking.

他漫不经心地边弹边唱,声音如此甜美,令人心碎。He strums his guitar and sings, his voice so sweet that it's heartbreaking.

他漫不经心地边弹边唱,声音如此甜美,令人心碎。He strums his guitar and sings, his voice so sweet that it’s heartbreaking.

明知道伤心总是难免,为何我还要一往情深。Since heartbreaking is inevitable, why should I be head over heels in love?

当书生白鹤再次回到了当初与爱人相遇的地方。When the scholar revisits their first meeting place, he feels heartbreaking.

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岁的泰勒斯托奇的故事是如此令人心碎和鼓舞人心。The story of 13 year old Taylor Storch is so heartbreaking and inspirational.

他们的最终命运悲喜交加、天差地别、令人痛心。Their final fates vary from happy endings to tragic and heartbreaking deaths.

在这些小说中表达的主题是有启发性和冲击性的。Themes expressed in these novels can be both inspirational and heartbreaking.

我最近写了一篇关于在我们的课堂上一个让人失望的新趋势的文章。I recently wrote an article about a heartbreaking new trend in our classrooms.

Nadia被集中营让人痛心的生活细节的描写吸引住了。Nadia was riveted by heartbreaking details of life in the concentration camps.

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在亲眼看到破坏的情形之后,潘基文说当地的惨况令人心碎。After seeing the devastation firsthand, Mr. Ban called the scenes heartbreaking.

然而事实上,它可能是有史以来最黯然神伤的关于单相思的歌曲。In reality, it may be the most heartbreaking song of unrequited love ever written.

这样,我们用笑声结束了天气急转而变的一天和伤心欲绝的十个星期。It was good to end a roller-coaster day and a heartbreaking ten weeks with a laugh.