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帛琉以其令人赞叹的浮潜和潜水景点著称。Palau is noteworthy for its amazing and scuba diving sights.

这样,帕劳水母湖拥有了世界上独一无二的无毒水母。Thus, Palau Jellyfish Lake has the world's only non-toxic jellyfish.

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一条拿破仑的濑鱼巡游在密克罗西亚群岛海洋的沿岸而游。Napoleon wrasse patrols the waters off the coast of Palau in Micronesia.

在帕劳,一只通红的的寄居蟹试探性地从它的珊瑚洞穴往外窥视。A glowing hermit crab tentatively peeks out of its coral burrow in Palau.

境内贝劳机场设在巴伯尔图阿普岛南端。Palau Airport is located in the territory of the southern tip of Babeldaob.

这就是为什麽帛琉成为喜欢寻求刺激的游客们的热门景点。This is why Palau has become a popular destination for adventurous travelers.

对喜爱冒险的游客来说,帛琉最出名的活动就是潜水。The one activity Palau is most famous for among adventurous travelers is diving.

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佐久田先生希望来自这一工程的信息能够帮助帕劳打击渔业盗捕。Mr. Sakuma hopes the information from the project will help Palau fight fishing piracy.

帕劳人自有一个复杂的社会系统来对应这种奇特的交换习惯。Palau who own a complex social system corresponding to the exchange of such strange habits.

第二次世界大战之后,美金又将日圆取而代之,一直被帕劳人使用到今日。After World War II, U. S. in turn replaced the yen, has been used to this day people of Palau.

帕劳群岛同时也是一个活的二战博物馆——二战时期的沉船就被淹没在岛旁。Palau is also a living World War II museum—WWII wrecks lie submerged just off the Rock Islands.

珊瑚王国图片画廊。炙热的绿色荧光珊瑚在帕劳吸收光波长和放射另一个。Glowing green fluorescent coral in Palau absorbs light at one wavelength and emits it at another.

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在八个太平洋岛国中,斐济、帕劳和汤加正在索要总共150万平方公里的面积。Eight Pacific island nations, among them Fiji, Palau and Tonga, are claiming a total of 1.5m sq km.

帕劳是属于由联合国托付美国管理的马里亚纳群岛的一个小岛。Palau is one of the islands in the Marianas that is part of the United States-governed Trust Territory.

这些残骸摄于北马里亚纳群岛、所罗门群岛以及帕劳群岛。The remnants were photographed on the Northern Mariana Islands, Solomon Islands and the Rock Islands in Palau.

他的遗体会被运到巴塞罗那自治区政府大楼,以便人们可以向他表示最后的敬意。His body will be taken to the Palau de la Generalitat in Barcelona so that well wishers can pay their last respects on Thursday.

皮尤组织曾经与帕劳共和国及马尔代夫政府合作,协助在其领海中建立世界唯一的鲨鱼保护区。Pew has worked with the governments of Palau and the Maldives to help establish the world's only shark sanctuaries in their waters.

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针对全球气候变化和海平面上升给岛国带来的威胁,帕劳共和国驻联合国常驻代表斯图尔特·贝克表示。STUART BECK, permanent representative for Palau at the United Nations, on dangers posed to island nations by climate change and rising sea levels.

帕劳不仅以海底景观闻名于世,属于海洋学家公认的世界七大海底奇观之首,海面景观也同样令人赞叹。Palau is famous not only underwater, marine scientists are recognized world seven wonders of the first submarine, sea landscape is equally impressive.

您可以一览所有的生物,从鲨鱼、水母到巨大海蛤、乌龟都有。帛琉是您海底探险的绝佳去处。You can see everything from sharks and jellyfish to giant sea clams and turtles. Palau is a wonderful place to go for all of your underwater adventures.