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他们轻易的应用将会得到错误的结论。Their incautious use can lead to wholly misleading results.

你不小心自己,为什么责怪别的人?You were incautious yourself, why did you blame the others?

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他因跟珍妮同居日久,已经什么事都大意了。His long period of association with Jennie had made him incautious.

它们用蛰刺本领去麻痹它们的猎物,一般是昆虫或者小啮齿动物,甚至会蛰刺那些无提防状态下的人。They use their stings to paralyze prey, usually insects or small rodents, or may deliver a painful sting to incautious persons.

疾病常因为不注意饮食卫生而发生,灾祸多因为说话不谨慎而引起。Illness usually finds its way in by the unhealthy food and drink, and disaster usually finds its way in by the incautious words.

如果教授仔细读这篇文章,就会发现好几个问题。作者好几次使用形容词都不太谨慎。A professor reading the passage critically would find numerous faults. The writer repeatedly is incautious about use of adjectives.

事故的主要原因是设备跑、冒、滴、漏或者意外,其次是操作不慎、交通事故和违章操作。The primary causes of the accidents were leaking or accident, incautious operation, traffic accidents and violation of operating regulations.

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哈里亚纳邦,旁遮普邦,北方邦和拉贾斯坦邦,选择爱人不慎重,尤其是年轻的女人,经常由不赞成这门婚事的男性亲戚谋杀。In Haryana , Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, incautious lovers, especially young women, are quite often murdered by disapproving male relatives.

诚然,偏见里是有无辜的成分,但是在那时我对第三等级的思考的态度是毫不宽容的蔑视和不假思索的嘲笑。True, often there is a kind of innocence in prejudices, but in those days I viewed grade-three thinking with an intolerant contempt and an incautious mockery.

但是变成蝙蝠之后不能进行攻击和吸血,防御力也会急剧下降,因此不小心的话会更容易死掉。But after becoming bat can't carry on an attack and absorb blood, defendoofing the dint would also the nasty play descend, so incautious words would more easy the dead drop.

然而,我们必须记住轻率地使用和干预生产时间,特别是在那些可选择的案例中,会给妇女和新生儿带来不必要的不好结果。However, we must remember that incautious use and timing of interventions — particularly in elective cases — can lead to unnecessarily poorer outcomes for women and newborns.

这些多元的言语利益群体,凭借相似的言语传统,促成了西周末年流言谤语中“放言”与“慎言”两种言语趋势。These multi-interest groups, with the similar speech tradition, developed the two speech trends of rumor known as "incautious sayings" and "cautious sayings" in late Western Zhou Dynasty.