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故如我祈求,无限之后宫。So as I pray, Unlimited Harem Works.

有一个漂亮的女人,是国王的后宫妃子之一。Was a beautiful woman, one of the king's harem.

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据说他有七百个妻子和三百多个妾。He is said to have had a harem of 700 wives and 300 concubines.

乌克兰媒体称我们是卡扎菲的后宫佳丽,那简直是无稽之谈,我们中间没有人是他的情妇,我们仅仅在测量血压的时候会和他有接触。The Ukrainian press called us Gaddafi’s harem. That’s nonsense.

他伪造名单诱骗了一些后宫嫔妃。He cooked up a scheme to cheat some of the women in the royal harem.

大王惊慌不已,赵盛说要和亲,随便后宫一人都可以。King panicked, Zhao Cheng said to and, literally harem can one person.

一头雄性象海豹独自伏在女眷群旁边,向里张望着。Outside looking in, a lone male elephant seal lurks at the edge of a harem.

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一天,他们无意走入女眷的帐篷,里面有100多个漂亮的女人。One day, they stumbled into a harem tent filled with over 100 beautiful women.

艾哈迈德的大部分时间都在他短暂的生命在他的后宫,并影响他的最爱。Ahmed spent most of his short life in his harem and was influenced by his favorites.

它的角色是保护它的群体免受危险以及扩大它的“后宫”和幼驹。His role is to protect his band from danger and increase his harem of mares and foals.

又得唱歌的男女和世人所喜爱的物,并许多的妃嫔。I acquired men and women singers, and a harem as well-the delights of the heart of man.

此后他们又排演了一出后宫女人因为嫉妒互相残杀的戏。Since then they had a rehearsal harem woman play to kill each other because of jealousy.

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宦官,太监某些亚洲宫廷内,在内宫侍候。A castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts.

游览后宫不仅有教育启示,也非常有视觉震撼力,高度推荐这个景点。A tour of the harem is both educational as well as visually stunning and I recommend it highly.

如果印度是个穆斯林国家,德里的家伙就可以自己搞个后宫了!!!Delhi guys would have built a exclusive harem for themselves, if India were a muslim country! ! !

我认为,把后宫游戏和‘奴性’‘自我膨胀’这些词联系起来,有些上纲上线、小题大做了。I believe that connecting harem games with 'slave mentality' and 'narcissism' seems a bit excessive.

面对后宫如云的佳丽,朱常洛开始寻欢作乐以解心头的愤懑。Facing the harem like cloud"s beautiful woman, Zhu Changluo starts to seek pleasure by solution heart resentfulness."

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后宫电音迷的热情点燃了这个不凡的夜晚,齐聚H.G.C,震撼后宫派对生命力。Harem electric fans enthusiastically lit this extraordinary night, gathered HouGong CLUB, shocked the harem party vitality.

一张松软带靠垫的长沙发沿墙放着,四个女人像穆斯林闺房中的妇女一样散坐在上面。A long, plump, pillowed sofa stretched the length of one wall, and upon it four women were disposed like odalisques in a harem.

其他女性的地位则以皇后最高,其次是皇帝的各种嫔妃、贵人。The other females have rank beginning with the Empress and continuing with the various consorts and concubines of the Emperor's harem.