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挂着国旗的院门。Door with flag.

那面红旗倒了。The red flag fell.

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原来是一面黑旗。It was a black flag.

看到那面旗子了吗?Do you see that flag?

前面那一面黄旗。The front yellow flag.

为什么旗子会飘扬?Why does the flag wave?

中国的国旗高高飘扬。China's Flag flies high.

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那个升旗的老师就是我。That flag is my teacher.

红旗飞得高。The red flag flies high.

旗在风中飘扬。A flag flaps in the wind.

我爱五星红旗。I love five-star red flag.

妈妈,看五星红旗。Mom, look at the red flag.

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利斧锋镰战旗红。Sharp sickle axe flag red.

那面旗在风中飘扬。The flag flaps in the wind.

星条旗是否还会再更改?Could the flag change again?

旗子在风中啪啪作响。The flag slatted in the wind.

它的旗子有星星和线条图纹。Its flag has stars and strips.

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看到高高飘扬的旗帜,您就应该知道。When you see the flag on high.

让蓝色的旗帜永远高高飘扬!Keep the Blue Flag Flying High!

测试转换状态码。Test the transition-state flag.