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一种霍比人说的肖松尼语。Shoshonean language spoken by the Hopi people.

作为一个已婚男子,我希望成为一个好丈夫。As a married man, I was hopi ng to be a good husband.

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纳瓦霍人和霍皮人都不喜欢恶眼神接触。The Navajos and the Hopi strongly dislike eye contact.

设想一个博物馆最近得到了霍皮印第安人的一个克奇纳神偶像。Imagine that a museum has just acquired a Hopi Kachina doll.

记得霍皮预言提及的“在空中的公路?”Remember the Hopi prophecy that mentioned the "roadways in the sky?"

根据齐塔人的说法,霍皮印第安人同样知晓蓝色星星克奇纳。Per the Zetas, the Hopi Indians also know it as the Blue Star Kachina.

而霍皮部落则表示,如果他失败了,他的死亡会成为他们的精神负担。And the Hopi tribe has said if he falls, his death is their spiritual burden.

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这偶像作为一个艺术品和作为霍皮人的宗教象征,哪个更重要?Is the doll more important as a piece of art, or as a religious symbol for the Hopi?

霍皮人预言也断言“玻璃房子”的门会向他们关闭。Hopi prophecy also declares that the doors of the "Glass House" would be closed to them.

霍皮族-北美的一支土人-以前有着一种与其他民族很不相同的有关婚姻自由的观念。The Hopi , a native people of North America, used to have a very different idea about freedom.

此话已经在网上广泛流传,并被认为是出自于霍皮国的长者之口。This quote has been circulating around the web, and is attributed to elders of the Hopi Nation.

霍皮人和从大洪水中被拯救的其他人与神缔了契约具有不再远离他的伟大的灵魂。The Hopi and others who were saved from the Great Flood made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit never to turn away from him.

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名称霍皮来自“霍皮”最古老的普韦布洛人,谁介绍了他们的伟大的医药知识和灵性到欧洲。The name Hopi derives from "The Hopi" the oldest Pueblo people , who introduced their great medicinal knowledge and spirituality to Europe.

霍皮人部落的律师称这些面具是偷来的,但拍卖人称是从收藏者那里合法购买的。Lawyers for the Hopi tribe contended that the masks had been stolen, but the auctioneers argued that they were bought legitimately by a collector.

咱们可以用英语来说明如霍皮语这样的语言的概念上的奇特性,这一事实可以证实翻译批判的观点。The translation argument is supported by the very fact that conceptual uniqueness of a language such as Hopi can nonetheless be explained in English.

历史学家,民族学家,人类学家和艺术爱好者将欣赏所有的社会,政治,文化提出的见解,通过霍皮人的眼睛。Historians, ethnologists, anthropologists, and art lovers will all appreciate the social, political, and cultural insights presented through Hopi eyes.

美国土著霍皮人部落收集的70个神圣的面具在巴黎拍卖,此前法国一名法官否决了试图阻止出售的企图。A collection of 70 masks sacred to the Hopi tribe of Native Americans has been sold at auction in Paris after a French judge dismissed an attempt to halt the sale.

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每一个图像都是伴随着历史的文章,进一步探索具有影响霍皮文化,塑造了霍皮社会,影响大卫在霍皮人的世界的生活主题。Each image is accompanied by a historical essay that further explores topics that have influenced the Hopi culture, shaped the Hopi society, and impacted David's life in the Hopi world.

如果这样做了,霍皮人警告,自然平衡和宇宙发展及宇宙力量会被扰乱,导致地震,引起气候模式剧烈的改变,造成社会动荡。If this were done, the Hopi warned, the balance of natural and universal laws and forces would be disturbed, resulting in earthquakes, severe changes in weather patterns, and social unrest.

更有力的证据出现在公元1世纪的犹太教派人爱森斯人,古霍皮人以及美国Nachez人和中国人中。There is further evidence of midsummer celebrations among the Essenes, a Jewish sect from 1st century A.D., the ancient Hopi and the Nachez people in the Americas as well as among the Chinese.