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用瓷漆做了一次试验。Experiments with enamel paint.

白色颜色真正珐琅拨号盘。White color genuine enamel dial.

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进食紊乱症腐蚀牙釉质Eating Disorders Erode Tooth Enamel

釉来涂层镶嵌或装表。To coat, inlay, or decorate with enamel.

这些酸腐蚀牙齿的珐琅质。The acids corrode the enamel of the teeth.

“搪瓷”玻璃,呈棒状、条状和管状,未加工。"enamel"glass, in bars, rods and tubes, unworked.

牙齿被一种硬硬的叫做牙釉质的物体所笼盖。Teeth are covered in a hard coating called enamel.

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氟牙症和龋齿的病情呈反比关系。Dental caries and mottled enamel are inverse ratio.

较为严重者,所有珐琅都可能受到损害。In more severe cases, all the enamel may be damaged.

热水器外壳应该使珐琅釉面。The outer jacketing shall have a backed enamel finish.

去矿化继续,釉质开始崩解,一旦釉质受到破坏,牙齿将不可自行修复。Demineralization continues. Enamel starts to break down.

我跌倒时门牙的珐琅质碰碎了。I chipped the enamel on my front tooth when I fell over.

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套节内表面铺满搪瓷。The inner surface of the socket is bespread with enamel.

在用之前添加硬化剂到丙烯酸瓷釉中。A hardener is added to the acrylic enamel just before use.

在我突出于齿龈的部分有一层珐琅“皮”。My part that protrudes from the gum has a "skin" of enamel.

出于对损坏牙釉质的担忧,我退而远之。I opt out, since it seems like it must wear down the enamel.

她突然之间拥有很多新奇色彩的指甲油。All of a sudden there was nail enamel in these strange colors.

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与沥青和煤焦油磁漆浸透良好。It's compatible with impregnating bitumen and coal tar enamel.

—经牙釉质分析后显示,他们以水果,坚果和树叶为食Tooth enamel analysis revealed they ate fruit, nuts and leaves

BVLGARI宝格丽蓝色塑框光学眼镜,搭配水晶及珐琅装饰。BVLGARI blue icon optical frames with crystal and enamel décor.