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我实际上是个乐盲。I am virtually tone-deaf.

这座岛屿事实上是一块丰腴的土地。The island was virtually a hammock.

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曼谷等于是没有都市计划。Well, Bangkok virtually has no plan.

简直是个天然氧吧。It is virtually a natural oxygen bar.

她无形中成了我们的顾问。She has virtually become our adviser.

这几乎是一切媒体的基础逻辑。It's the basis of virtually all media.

小管状腺瘤本质上常是良性的。Small ones are virtually always benign.

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非常能肯定的是他的优秀品质。Top-notch quality is virtually assured.

原来齐齐哈尔是座大工厂啊!Oh, Qiqihar is virtually a giant factory!

无形中自己都觉得变成熟了,呵呵。Virtually change their mature feel, huhu.

这病在非洲地区几乎没听说过。The disease is virtually unknown in Africa.

去年的利润几乎全都赔光了。Last year's profits were virtually wiped out.

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玛吉的笔迹几乎无法辨认。Maggie'swriting was virtually indecipherable.

我看到事实上每个人都这样表示重拍Virtually everyone has got the downbeat here.

几乎每一天我听到西方山雀。Virtually every day I'll hear a western tanager.

LAMV实际上可以在任何固体表面上着陆。The LAMV can land on virtually any solid surface.

自动重新连接实际上是无缝的。The automatic reconnection is virtually seamless.

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静音切无振动操作。Virtually noiseless and vibration-free operation.

事实上所有骨的转移性病变都是癌。Virtually all bone metastases are from carcinomas.

几乎所有选项都可在安装过程中配置。Virtually every option is configured during setup.