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东京塔。Tokyo Tower.

罗兰·博克东京报道。Roland Buerk in Tokyo.

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东京国际论坛。Tokyo International Forum.

东京都中野区的震级为3级。Nakano, Tokyo magnitude of 3.

丽贝卡•麦金农,CNN,东京报道。Rebecca McKinnen, CNN, Tokyo.

我们经东京去美国。We went to America via Tokyo.

劳伦。伯格从东京发回报道。Lauren Burg reports from Tokyo.

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东京股市将于今日重新开盘。The Tokyo market re-opens today.

三国贸易部长在东京会面。The trade ministers met in Tokyo.

我曾尝试寿司,在槟城和东京。I tried sushi at Penang and Tokyo.

他是冲着东京迪斯尼乐园去的。He was headed for Tokyo Disneyland.

日本东京有卖狗用的假发。Toupees for dogs are sold in Tokyo.

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他和他的字裕子住在东京。He and his wife, Yuko, live in Tokyo.

她乘坐的航班将改变航线途经东京。Her flight will be rerouted via Tokyo.

1996年,日本东京大学,理学博士。Ph. D. in Science, University of Tokyo.

高桥镇位于东京以西560公里。Takahashi is about 560km west of Tokyo.

从东京车站北边的出口走出去。Get out the north exit of Tokyo Station.

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把非法入境者丢进东京湾!Throw illegal immigrants into Tokyo Bay!

东京的樱花远近驰名。Tokyo is celebrated for cherry blossoms.

1941年宫崎骏出生于日本东京。Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941.